5 USB Boot Drives to Repair Your Computer for Free
5 USB Boot Drives to Repair Your Computer for Free
WinPE has been around for years and are great for anyone who is into pc repair or work in IT. Today we take a look at Hirens Boot CD PE, MC Boot PE, NHV Boot, ANHDV Boot PE and Sergei Strelec’s WinPE. We also cover medicat and ventoy.
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how to repair windows 7
Hbcd pe has boot issues with decade old PCs which worked fine with 1.04. Sergei strelec released July update which still works.
I don't think ventoy is a USB boot drive it's multi ISO or any images boot
Most excellent video – sorry for being a villager I didn't know about Windows WPE; very useful video that need to look at into more detail.
Hello I hope you respond I just did the windows 11 utilman.exe for o get my password but I can’t change when I type ren utilman.exe cmd.exe it says it’s not found
You can also include Nasiboot, it has very cool mini version.
I have multiple flash drives with various Linux ISOs and repair ISOs, installed under Ventoy. "Multiple" for redundancy. To be honest though, if I encounter problems, I am more inclined to adopt the scorched earth approach of reinstalling. I derive pleasure from setting up a clean install, and tweaking it. GEEKSЯUS
I am unable to download PhoenixPE as my antivirus keeps blocking the download (Norton 360). I need to disable my antivirus
which one to repair ssd for free
Would you recommend Lazesoft?
Very good information, Brother
Good tools to help others. I have Hirens Boot cd PE.
Personally I use Aomei Backupper Standard and takes system backups.
Personal files is backed up i another way becauce it is on another drive.
hi i watch all your videos .. but im not smart enough to do all this
HIRENS is what i use
Thank You i didn't know there were others out there
Even the original Hirens WinPE seems bloated!
It would be helpful on these kinds of video's if you would list the actual name and/or source location. Simply saying the name doesn't always work. You could also list them in the comments section on top of all your other stuff …..
1. Rescue systems of this type boot into a "change-rooted environment", which means the Win PE [or Linux or whatever] boots into memory first, thus taking total control of the computer. This is the BEST way to remove all malware.
2. The more apps you have the greater the "attack" surface for bad hackers. This is because every bit of code has potential vulnerabilities. So as always, you need to update all apps, utilities and programs, especially a recuse environment, because you may use to to fix more than one computer, you if the rescue system IS compromised, you spread the pain and damage.
3. There is cause to have more than one utility for basically the same thing. For example, an individual anti-virus might miss some malware, while another may recognize it. Some anti-malware programs are better at removing malicious code without damage than others. So at the very least, do a "second-opinion" scan if you have had an infection.
4. Win PE, like Linux, does not need the internet for the initial boot-up. So you can do anti-malware scans off-line FIRST. This is very important, and many people do not do this. So make sure whatever your OS is, to have a LOCAL log-in account. Anti-malware programs have to have the highest permissions possible. Which is one reason why you don't download zipped files with password protection unless you are really sure they are safe. Malware writers know that most A/V programs can't access password-protected archive files, which is why they have password protection! 🙂
5. Security Video bloggers like the PC Security Channel use virtual machines to test anti-virus scanners against malware downloaded from the internet. Detection and cleaning rates are high, but usually not perfect. So you could have important data being mined [bank details, passwords, etc, etc,while the anti-virus and malware 'duke it out". A really good way to have your identity stolen. People think that they are 100% safe with a virtual machine, but there is always a risk the hypervisor OS may get compromised.
6. The best system out there is CUBES [a system based on Linux, but even their own website modestly claims it is only 'relatively secure]. And CUBES is a real pain to use, which means it probably is the safest environment around.
You can have ease of use, or security, but not both.
If you have a server/client virtualization system, be VERY careful with networking.
7. There are some malware programs out there that are not OS specific. That is, they can infect Linux/Unix, Microsoft, Apple, Android, etc. They are usually web or script-based attacks, because every OS has the capability to connect over the internet.
8. ESet is a fine program, one of the best A/V's out there.
9. If you don't now EXACTLY what you are doing, don't do it.
10. Computer and internet security is hard work. Even top experts can get hacked, so be careful out there. Stay informed, and up to date.
Eset Online Scanner has issues which I have experienced within the last week. It appears to go out and gets updates then the % done shows wacko numbers like 1024% done. Its a known issue that has been happening for several months and which ESET knows about,.
This would've all been useful 2 years ago for me.
Thanks Brian I might just make a Hirens boot USB as that looks to be what I need should I crash the machines.
I would only recommend Hiren's boot, but overall I don't like WinPE.
A self-made full win – made with Ntlite – was for me the best solution in the end. I also bought that win for a few bucks. Putting all the necessary tools on it, such as Win Defender, is possible, and it can also be updated. Furthermore, it is crucial to have a good backup tool like RTT (R-Drive Image) and the appropriate hardware.
Nevertheless, thx for your video, sir.
Sergeistrelec is often infected. It launched 20 (!) viruses after 1 yr on my machine. Stay away from it.
Stay away from Medicat. It's packed with viruses of any kind. Don't tell me I didn't warn you.
How I can convert my current windows os installation to WintoGo (Portable) ?😢
I honestly missed the video un which you explained how to build my own WinPE. Now the question that everyone will for sure ask you, even if what you suggest isn’t a freeware, is to give further details, in each category (backup, antivirus, boot, password and so on) what are the programs that you recommend with for each their pros and cons. I think it’s too long for a single video but either you consider it would be useful for your community and your ecosystem which then could even grow, doing a “Netflix like series, with “seasons” and episodes. And the most efficient way to be complete would finally to provide accurate information on your website. I know that it is a lot of work to do. But be aware that we all like so much all your videos that I’m sure all of us will be as patient as it will be necessary if you really commit yourself to be the one who will propose the qui ultimate universal repairing tool. You can even raise funds saying that this work deserves a contribution and for sure you’ll win new subscribers and by the way new gold and platinum members of your community. Are you ready to do that Brian?
I would 100% agree with you that many of these are overloaded with the applications that do the same function. However, one of the great things about this is you can try different things to see which one works for you; then when building your own Windows PE, you can only put on what you know works best for you or that you particularly like.
A few months ago I downloaded Sergei Strelec ISO, extracted it and scanned its content for malware and holy oreos, Windows Defender went crazy with the detections. I only trust Hirens BootCD and nothing else.
Some Anti-Virus programs DO NOT like Medicat.
i use ankhtech Windows Pe best of best
Yo @Britec09 would it possible to make a video on how to installl pop os on a windows 11 system without usb. Nice vid btw
Wow another great video 👍As a PC Tech I use some of these tools, like Hirens Boot PE, or Sergei Strelec PE Is.. I also created my own ventoy stick with some ISO file I need. Some of the are just grabbed from MediCat. I am also using Portable Apps as well for my daily work. Thumbs Up and Greetings from Germany ❤
Hello, thanks for the video. I have two requests for you,
First will be how can we verify our Windows is a genuine and not a bootleg,
Second is I just discovered a thing called multibootable USB stick which sounds much better option than getting multiple sticks for different OS, I miserably failed on Ventoy but succeeded using Easy2Boot, but I I don't know how can I use this to use it as a recovery media incase something goes wrong while dual booting.
Nice one