6 Years of Construction – Finally Completed.

Six years of construction resulted in a cosy little garage where we can finally repair our cars ourselves.
A combination of a scissor lift and a pit allowed us working under the car standing upright and making the building not so tall.

🎵 Music selection from EpidemicSound –


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7 thoughts on “6 Years of Construction – Finally Completed.

  • Rebuild engine and rewire the whole car?? How you have so much time 😢

  • Nice, love the setup and layout. A question what type of bricks were those I have never seen anything like it.

  • Amazing work!! This is exactely what I was thinking about since I already have a scissors lift and the local housing committee wont allow me to build my garage higher than it is. If you are willing to share a pdf file with the dimensions of the pit it would be really nice! Thanks!

  • I liked that you told the story of your garage and your car. You did a great construction job, congratulations. I'm waiting for more of your videos 😉

  • Blemba kiek laiko jau praėjo. Forumai tada rimtas dalykas buvo, perskaičiau Tavo temą N kartų. Gaila, kad miršta jau jie..

  • Crazy job with garage. As I said before wishing you the best with swapping 😀🔥
    When You will decide to sell 7 series – im top of the list 😀🫡

  • This is a truly insane project for a beginner. Wish You a luck in swapping that V8 into that mint e38 body!

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