64-Bit Linux OS for Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi 400 – Look and Feel – Iconography, Fonts, etc.

This is the theme tour video of my 64-Bit Linux OS for Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi 400 computers.

In this you can see the lock screen, login, default user pi user graphics, colors, all working with the official colors of the Raspberry Pi Foundation for the Pi computers.

What you see here is pretty much set. There won’t be major changes to the look and feel of this development workstation build.

The only work left is to build all the development apps and install all the development frameworks plus Libre Office productivity suite and then work on cleaning up and Rasbperry -ifying the menus and items.

What has been the most challenging to date?

On the hardware side believe it or not the main chips that make up your Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi 400 computers have not been to bad. Accelerated GPU for graphics was a bit of a challenge but I would say if I had to pick one piece of hardware that always gives me grief I would say the Bluetooth stack and all its bug bears is the winner.

On the software side most things are building fine. Ironically I’m having trouble getting Discord and Electron up and running and playing well with the system. Telegram Desktop and other messenger apps seem to be a lot easier to work with in comparison.


by Hobby Woodworker

linux foundation

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