Computer NetworksNETWORKS

6LoWPAN Fragmentation and Reassembly | IPv6 Packet Fragmentation | RFC 4944 | 6LoWPAN Tutorial

In this video, a detailed overview of 6LoWPAN Fragmentation and Reassembly operation is given.

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This video is part of a work-in-progress MOOC on “IoT Communications and Networks”:

It was sponsored by the IMT Atlantique, IMT, and by the Patrick and Lina Drahi Foundation (PLFA).

This video is part of a much longer series of Tutorial Videos on 6LoWPAN:

To learn more about Communications and Networks (#COMNET) protocols, subscribe to our YouTube channel:

#6LoWPAN #Fragmentation #Reassembly

#RFC4944 #6LoWPANFragmentation #6LoWPANReassembly #6LoWPANFragmentationandReassembly #6LoWPANExplained #IoT #InternetofThings #Protocols #IoTProtocols #IndustrialIoT #IIoT #LLNs #MeshTopology #Mesh #ConstrainedDevices #IoTDevices #IoTNetworks #IoTCommunications

#MOOC #MOOCIoTCommunicationsAndNetworks #IMT #IMTAtlantique #PLFA




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.