7 Days to Die 1.0 | On The Run Series | Episode 1
Warrior Difficulty | 64 Max Alive | Feral Sense Enabled
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how to repair windows 7
why always restart its the same game version as streamer weekend ?
Sorry I missed this last night…. I should be there tonight though. So much fun to start a whole new series!! Thanks Grand Spartan!!
After they changed the spear i have been a big fan of that as starter weapon. That it share tree with rifle is just a plus for me.
Sorry I missed the live. Whoever was saying to put a point in Lockpicking to help find forge magazines was correct. If you check the magazines it will say Lockpicking & Advanced Engineering both influence Forge Ahead magazines. But Advanced Engineering also increases the odds of getting Trap & Wiring magazines so technically your odds of getting forge magazines are less with Advanced Engineering than with Lockpicking.
early game you should check rekts cabins for a couple of foods
Since money is so hard to come by, I say sell the books you not spec into to mae some extra cash.
Thanks for the content! Great as always!