7 THINGS NOT TO DO When a Devastating Mainland Attack Hits the US!

Fellow Americans, in the face of a potential devastating mainland attack or disaster, it’s crucial to understand the right actions to ensure your survival. Today, I’m urgently sharing ‘7 THINGS NOT TO DO When a Devastating Mainland Attack Hits the US.’

This is more than advice; it’s a survival blueprint. From avoiding panic and rushing to public places for supplies, to understanding the dangers of misinformation and communication breakdowns, each point is critical. We’ll also discuss the risks of hastily evacuating without a plan, the importance of maintaining your physical and mental health, and why a diverse skill set and knowledge base are essential.

The mindset of ‘every person for themselves’ is dangerous; instead, focus on community and teamwork. Lastly, never underestimate the need for long-term planning and sustainability. These insights are vital for your safety and well-being. For a detailed understanding of each point, I urge you to watch the full video. Your life and the lives of those around you could depend on this knowledge. Stay safe, stay informed, and remember, we’re in this together.


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47 thoughts on “7 THINGS NOT TO DO When a Devastating Mainland Attack Hits the US!

  • Where are you ? Your fans wait daily for your news get your act together and start putting it out. Because you're the only news that we can trust!

  • Wowโ€ฆ
    This reminds me of the โ€œ duck and coverโ€ during the Cuban misleading crisisโ€ฆ..people should use common sense and already know theseโ€ฆ.if these things need to be saidโ€ฆ..our society is doomedโ€ฆ.

  • The government and fake law gets us into this trouble and no you can't trust the US government.. lol they will sacrifice us so fast your head will spin and who gets us Into the trouble I never went to any country and started any shit

  • I have neighbors that I love. We talk to each other about prepping All the time. We all have arms. We can feel something is going to happen within the United States.

  • Now that's funny obey lockdowns..
    This guy's a left-wing from the government telling us trash follow along with their don't listen to this this person is talking out his butt.. for the controlled sheple

  • It's called fear porn..
    As we all noticed the last 4 weeks nothing but constant BS fear tactics to tell us prep get ready we already are awake and we see what's happening.. this is the left pushing that it's going to happen. Well guess what it may not things are going to work themselves out everybody sees it as wide awake of what's going on with the agenda 21 and agenda 30 from the United

  • They are coming and some of them are already here. Itโ€™s crazy how they havenโ€™t warned us not one time to start preparing for warโ€ฆ all they do is talk about whatโ€™s going on like they arenโ€™t on their way over here. These people care nothing about us.

  • About 99% of the U.S. population have their head up their a** and think this wont happen to them. This channel is putting out poor info and didnt get in the real facts.

  • The โ€œmainstream mediaโ€ are the ones spreading misinformation lol

  • Where are we supposed to get all this money for a bomb shelter, weapons ,and food stocks, antibiotics…ect ???????????

  • Trust the government… ask any native American… ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Where are your lists? I miss them. I prefer the lists to these inflammatory videos.

  • I can make vodka and cider or fruit/vegetable beer from practically nothing. i can also make yeast from practically nothing just grapes. I also know how to filter water with stones, silt and stuff. we learned that in primary school. You can come to mine if you want to de-stress.

  • coscam( covid19)… " done By Design!!"… was a major catalyst…for them to start this crap starting!!!…a reaaon to shut down businesses, divide families, wreck the " middle class!"๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  • if the jabbed sheep still want to wear masks!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ fk 'em!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  • I have been training my dog ,Bear to go to the store ,to get there he has a drone strapped to his behind ,safety wise he has a doggie helmet,he,s armed to the teeth no pun intended,his call sign is bow wow ,I know it,s hard to believe,but Bear is ready ,he watch,s the news ,reads newspaper,s and trust me he,s pretty mental ,well good luck !๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  • The government runs the Emergency radio stations and right now you can't believe anything out of the Biden administration, hell they might be the one attacking you. Trust no one. If its a foreign country , the first thing that will happen is a EMP strike to destroy all electricity and your car will not run. There could be a foreign army already here and the Biden Democrats want to disarm you, Looks like the government is working for the enemy. They want to remain in power no mater what they have to do, even go to war with American people. You here how Biden talks about people who votes for Trump that they are Nazis, who does this ?? A nut, that's who. Desperate people do desperate things, even destroy the country.

  • misinformation…should mean " main stream" tv!!…and all the lies on the " news!!"๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Do not listen when he says listen to authorities, the reason we are where we are at is because of so called authorities. Fuck them

  • LOL. It's harder to find a "trusted" news source than it is to find water in the desert.

  • Like cnn Fox News mbc news and other American news networks are the worst networks to listen too.

  • Did you really just say, " follow the law?" Now I know ur an idiot therefore you know nothing. Not to mention, people will be the enemy AND law enforcement especially. OMG people… Don't listen to this guy. Ur very lives may depend on it. Don't trust ANYONE, especially family and law enforcement. The more people ur in contact with the better ur chance of being killed or taken.

  • biggest vulnerability in a crissis is your mind and its brake down or collapse or its giving up or its strees that makes you not move. you may think watching these help videos are destroying your mind but in fact it is putting it under stress to coming situations. when the situation occures you have already gone through the stress so now you are left with action. to someone that has not gone trough this stress they only have panic and rush and disorder. with that alone you are ahead of the curve.

  • In a major national crisis, its important to have at least 18 months of supplies already built up so you can limit your contacts with people outside of your family or community.

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