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$750 Summer Meals Costco Haul | Family of 7

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We are a better together family of 6 living in an 800sqft Shed to House Conversion and currently converting a 336sqft shed into a tiny house for our new studio! Oh yea, we are doing our best to build a sustainable homestead in central Texas raising pigs, chickens, and rabbits…. and hopefully more!!!!!

#familycow #buildingahomestead #chickens


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22 thoughts on “$750 Summer Meals Costco Haul | Family of 7

  • I definitely relate to how Beau feels about leaving everything behind. When I had all my horses I hated leaving home for any length of time. We had some good friends that could take care of things, but you could guarantee that if I was away more than a night, they'd have drawn straws to see whose turn it was to take a leg off. I'd have loved to have had cameras like that one, especially if I could have shouted at them through it like you can with doorbell cameras… Don't even think about it, you pampered Diva! 🤣

  • We would be great friends, Kelly!!!! We love Costco, guac, and butter too!!!!! I also relate to your frugality, Bo. I know that God is not frugal and I told Him if He wanted to change me, He'd have to break this mold because I think I was frugal from the womb! 😂 He's definitely taken up the challenge and is stretching me beyond comfortability. I say, go for it Jesus!!! I know it may be uncomfortable, but I'm so ready to escape this mentality of lack! He said that He can make all grace abound towards us so that we would have all sufficiency in all things and abound in every good work!!!!!! (2 Corinthians 9:8) Let's believe him, Bo!!!!!

  • Hi guys ,I don't have mouth to feed but mine.
    When I stock up I spend $200 .
    With the price hikes it's the going rate.
    I'm so glad you got a pool🎉.
    Thanks for sharing🤗.
    JO JO IN VT 💞

  • Cotsco is a treat for me as well. Don’t always have the budget for it and it’s a little bit of a drive. But oh man, am I so ever thankful when I do go. I live in Conroe and it’s so nice to see a fellow homesteader do a Cotsco run!! I’m excited to watch this!!!!😂

  • 🇦🇺Summer is about an outdoor kitchen. BBQ’s, grills, above beach oven, outdoor sink for washing dishes with hot water etc with shade plus an outdoor eating area. No heat inside.

  • I love that you got the Bonne Maman Jelly. They're a family company and during the war they actually hid and saved so many Jewish from the Holocaust. I only buy this brand. Their lemon curd is amazing

  • I totally got "orange cheese" — I knew of some kids who used to talk about having "green trees" and "white trees" for supper… that's broccoli and cauliflower to you 'n' me. 🙂

  • Another great video. Costco hauls are always fun.
    Have a great week. Looking forward to your next adventure.

  • I unloaded my Costco haul while I watched thus! I love how you said it made you feel grateful, not sad about having good food available! That's a great way to look at it and I'm stealing that outlook

  • Buns, I can NOT make a hotdog bun that looks/ slices anything like the stores. If you figure it out please share. We are not doing sourdough right now. I have too many outdoor projects!

  • We have used Eufy security cameras for almost 3 years, really happy with them.

  • I just love your videos. You all have a unique voice. Costco, sure! Camera, sure! I mean even the "wall" on your property was interesting! Carry on!

  • I will be heading to Costco my self this week ..I have to just preparing for Hurricane season …💚🌱

  • In Bulgaria they make a chopped salad called Shopska salad, it’s finely chopped tomatoes, cucumber, sweet onion and grated feta cheese! It’s absolutely delicious, (even better without the cucumber as I really dislike the taste of it!)

  • Costco and Trader Joe’s are my favorite stores! They are both within 10 to 15 minutes from our house!

  • A pool is an awesome investment for your family. We lived in ours from spring to fall. ❤

  • Plenty of channels are ONLY costco hauls 😂 you do a variety but strangely i do love a costco haul 😂

  • You cannot have too much butter. I prefer it over Mayo on sandwiches. Blessings to everyone.❤

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