Computer NetworksNETWORKS

9.1 Subnetting an IPv4 Network – CCNA1: Chapter 9 – Subnetting IP Networks Part 1

This lesson examines in detail the creation of IP networks and subnetworks and how to assign addresses in the network.
It explains the importance of designing, implementing and managing an effective IP addressing plan so that networks can operate effectively and efficiently.
It examines how to segment a network, by dividing it into to multiple smaller network spaces, or subnets.
Using IPv4 addresses, bits are borrowed from the host portion of the address to create subnets.
Traditional IPv4 subnetting wastes addresses so VLSM (subnetting a subnet) can be implemented to conserve IPv4 addresses.
Subnetting is done in IPv6 to create a logical, hierarchical addressing design, not conserve addresses.




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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