Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Vs Windows 10 Home CPU RAM Performance Comparison 2020

Ubuntu 20.04 is the latest version with long term support from linux. windows 10 home is a stable operating system from microsoft. In this video, I’m comparing the performance of linux distro ubuntu 20.04 and windows 10 by booting them in a single hardware. linux distro ubuntu 20.04 has been installed in ssd whereas windows 10 home has been installed in hdd. The hardware specifications are as follows,
HP 14s 1056 tu, 8 gb ram, intel i3 8th generation processor, 1TB hdd for windows 10 home, 120 gb ssd for linux distro ubuntu 20.04. The performance was based on cpu usage, disk usage, ram usage by both ubuntu 20.04 and windows 10 home. From this performance comparision, I find linux distro ubuntu 20.04 as one of the best linux distro. windows 10 home had some troubles when compared to linux distro ubuntu 20.04. I’ve also worked on multi-tasking with linux distro ubuntu 20.04 and windows 10 home. To conclude, I found comfortable with linux distro ubuntu 20.04 in ssd than windows 10 home in hdd. I hope, this video was a bit insightful. Thanks for watching. Like, Share, Comment your views, Subscribe. Thanks.



ubuntu 20.04

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