How A Call Flow From Your Phone To The Other Phone ? | All About GSM Mobile Communication
GSM mobile phone call flow describes each and every action that takes place when you make a call from your mobile phone to another mobile phone. All the mobile phones are linked with the signal towers (base stations) by electromagnetic waves and towers are connected with the other components in the GSM structure through underground cables (fiber optic cables).
This video explains the GSM call flow, by going through each and every step to give an in-depth understanding to the viewers.
Main role players in the GSM technology are,
Mobile Station (MS), Base Station (BS), Base Station Transceiver (BST), Base Station Controller (BSC) and Mobile Switching Center (MSC).
There are four databases in the MSC that store necessary information,
Home Location Register (HLR), Visitor Location Register (VLR), Equipment Identity Register (EIR), Authentication Center (AUC).
There are some specific abbreviations used in the GSM technology,
SIM – Subscriber Identity Module
IMSI – International Mobile Subscriber Identity
IMEI – International Mobile Equipment Identity
MSISDN – Mobile Subscriber Integrated Service Digital Number (which is our phone number)
Vector diagrams for the illustration:
gsm vlr visitor location register