How to Point Godaddy Domain Name to Siteground Hosting Account IP Address
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Learn how to setup a Godaddy domain name to a Siteground hosting account using your IP Address.
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These steps will show you how to point your Godaddy domain name A Record to your Siteground hosting using your ip address.Start off by logging into your SiteGround account and click on the My Accounts tab at the top. Then click on Manage Accounts and then on the red button, Go to Cpanel. Find the IP address on the left hand side of the screen and copy it. Then, go to GoDaddy, log in, and click on Visit My Account. Click on Domains and then find the domain name that you’d like to use. Click on Manage DNS. On the A Record, click on the pencil icon at the right. In the Points to field, paste in the IP address copied from your SiteGround account. Click Save. Right now, your domain name is pointing to SiteGround. Go back to your SiteGround account as you’ll need to add the domain name to SiteGround so you can start building your site. In the Domains section, click on Addon Domains. Enter your domain name in the New Domain Name field. Create your username and password for the site and then click Add Domain. Then, click on the orange cPanel Home button. You’ll need to install a CMS for your site. Our CMS of choice is WordPress. To install WordPress, just click on the WordPress Installer icons in the WordPress Tools section. Click Install and then find the domain name that you’d like to set up from the second drop down menu on the right. Fill in the Site Settings field with the appropriate information and click Install. After this, everything will be installed and you can start building your site. You’ve just set up a GoDaddy domain name on a SiteGround hosting account. If you’d like to get more information on SiteGround, you’ll find even more on our site:
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