Most imp computer related full forms(Abbreviations) . For any govt exam.100 +full forms.
Compute is very essential in our life and nowadays basically everyone is using a computer for various purposes. When we talk with other people related to the computer at that time we use many computers related words. There are so many people who can use the computer very well but they don’t know the computer every part and their full form( eg CPU, UPS, SATA, RAM, ROM, AGP). so, Now we will discuss Computers related every term and their full form.If you can remember below all those computer-related words full form, we hope you will not face any problem in the future if anyone discusses computer-related words with you. so, Let’s see.
1 TCP Transmission Control Protocol
2 UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
3 SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
4 SMPS Switched-Mode Power Supply
5 RAM Random Access Memory
6 ROM Read Only Memory
7 CD Compact Disk
8 DVD Digital Versatile Disk
9 CRT Cathode Ray Tube
10 CPU Central Processing Unit
11 SAP System Application & Products
12 PNG Portable Network Graphics
13 IP Internet Protocol
14 URL Uniform Resource Locator
15 USB Universal Serial Bus
16 VIRUS Vital Information Resource Under Seized
17 GIS Geographical Information system
18 DDS Digital Data Storage
19 CAD Computer Aided Design
20 ACPI Advanced Configuration And Power Interface
21 AGP Accelerated Graphics Port
22 APM Advanced Power Management
23 APIPA Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing
24 ASIC Application Specific Integration circuit
25 CAL Computer Aided Leering
26 HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
27 HTTPS Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
28 DEC Digital Equipment Corporation
29 GPS Global Positioning System
30 GPU Graphics Processing Unit
31 GDI Graphics Device Interface
32 CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
33 ANSI American National Standards Institute
34 ICP Internet Cache Protocol
35 GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out
36 GPL General Public License
37 GCR Group Code Recording
38 MSN Microsoft Networks
39 BCC Blind Carbon Copy
40 VDI Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
41 MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group
42 ECC Excise Control Code
43 WIFI Wireless Fidelity
44 TPU Tensor Processing Unit
45 PSD Photo-Shop Document
46 DPI Dots Per Inch
47 FYA For Your Action
48 VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
49 CRS Computer Reservation System
50 CTR Cathode Ray Tube
51 BFD Binary File Descriptor
52 ABR Available Bit Rate
53 Gbps Gigabits Per Second
54 VPN Virtual Private Network
55 FYI For Your Information
56 PING Packet InterNet Groper
57 CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access
58 AD Active Directory
59 ADC Analog – to – Digital Converter
60 BGP Border Gateway Protocol
61 CSI Common System Interface
62 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
63 OSI Open Systems Interconnection
64 LAN Local Area Network
65 WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
66 WAN Wide Area Network
67 MAN Metropolitan Area Network
68 PAN Personal Area Network
69 MAC Media Access Control
70 OMR Optical Mark Recognition
71 CMD Command
72 NIC Network Interface Card
73 LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
74 UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter
75 DCE Distributed Computing Environment
76 PFA Please Find Attached
77 HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer
78 HCI Human Computer Interaction
79 FHS Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
80 FCS Frame Check Sequence
81 DVE Digital Video Effects
82 DLL Dynamic Link Library
83 CSV Comma–Separated Values
84 CTCP Client–to–Client Protocol
85 ABI Application Binary Interface
86 MIS Management Information Systems
87 BIOS Basic Input Output System
88 SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
89 LTE Long Term Evolution
90 AHA Accelerated Hub Architecture
91 ALU Arithmetic Logical Unit
92 FPU Floating Point Unit
93 FXP File Exchange Protocol
94 HHD Hybrid Hard Drive
95 HID Human Interface Device
96 FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
97 IOS Internetwork Operating System
98 iOS iPhone Operating System
99 PATA Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment
100 DDR Double Data Rate
by Math & G.K. Tricks
simple network management protocol