NETWORK ADMINISTRATIONSwindows dns serverWindows server

Automating IT Operations in VMware environments using leading open source technology

Advent One uses Runecast Analyzer to uplift VMware security posture and deliver certainty when keeping environments up to date. To compliment this, Advent One uses open source automation for provisioning, patching, configuration management and push-button site fail-over.

Talor Holloway is a highly experienced technology leader with knowledge branching across multiple technology areas and industry verticals. He has demonstrated competence leading multiple projects and a willingness to share knowledge with others by regularly presenting at conferences and meetups. Talor has a particular specialty in automation. The solutions that Talor has delivered have resulted some great client outcomes, and in Advent One winning global awards from vendors recognizing the quality of the solutions put in place.


by Runecast Solutions

windows server dns forwarder

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