How TOSCA Helps Open Telekom Cloud Users Run Anywhere

During this webinar series, leading developers and users of TOSCA agreed to share their experiences with you. They will show demonstrations of TOSCA-based systems and examples of TOSCA service templates. They’ll also explain the unique benefits of TOSCA for their application domains.

The second implementation shared will be an inter-cloud computing option for the telecommunications industry. Inter-Cloud computing has been defined as a cloud model that, to guarantee service quality, allows on-demand resources and transfer of workload through interworking of different cloud providers. However, despite the data centre outages in the past, none of the leading commercial cloud providers voluntarily interconnect their infrastructures to allow sharing of on-demand resources among each other. As a result, cloud applications are directly responsible for managing resources provisioning and scheduling. On the other hand, Open Telekom Cloud by Deutsche Telekom ( is the biggest OpenStack platform in Europe. It facilitates its customers to run a workload in multiple cloud providers.

During this presentation, the speakers explain the reason why and how the standard specification TOSCA helps the users of Open Telekom Cloud to design their applications once and run anywhere by using the tool the Cloud Topology Designer (

Bookmark — — to learn more about the series.

TOSCA is part of the OASIS Open Consortium


by OASIS Open

redhat openstack

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