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How To Interview Someone – Professor of Social Anthropology Steven Sampson

Learn how to meet people and interview them by professor in social anthropology Steven Sampson in an inspirational conversation with Daniel Swärd.

Steven is from USA, living in Copenhagen and professor at Lund University in Sweden.

He has done research on socialist bureaucracy and the post-socialist transition in Romania, and on civil society development, democracy export and NGOs in Southeastern Europe.

His later research has focused on corruption and anticorruption, and the rise of the anticorruption ‘industry’ with its particular discourses and practices. He is presently writing up ethnographic research on ethics and compliance in the private sector, and how business ethics attempts to fight corruption and unethical practices.

Recent publications include ‘The anti-corruption industry: from movement to institution” in Global Crime, ‘The Right Way: the training of ethics and compliance officers’, J. of Business Anthropology, editing of a special issue of the Journal of Business Anthropology on business ethics, and co-editor of an anthology on NGOs called Cultures of Doing Good: The Anthropology of NGOs



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