Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Tutorial 1: Subnetting IPv4 Addresses

In this tutorial, I describe subnetting. The tutorial describes what sebnetting is and why it is used. Subnetting is act of taking a larger network and breaking it into small networks. The smaller networks are referred to as subnets. Subnets are created for multiple reasons. For example, subnets allow for easier management of large networks by assigning different network administrators to different subnets. Creating a subnet also decreases the broadcast domain. Subnets spread network traffic across multiple subnets instead of on one larger network. The tutorial also describes classful and classless interdomain routing. Thus, the tutorial describes subnet masks and CIDR notation. A brief introduction to supernetting is also presented through the use of CIDR blocks. A second tutorial is used to demonstrate how to use a calculator to perform subnet conversions, such as converting from decimal to binary.




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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