DITO Speedtest vs Globe vs Smart (4G LTE)
DITO Speedtest vs Globe vs Smart (4G LTE)
DITO Speedtest vs Globe vs Smart (4G LTE)
The new telco is here to try and challenge the “BIG TWO”.
How did it fare against the giants?
Find out for yourself.
More Speedtests – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKCSaZ8sdnCaTr1sgeT0G73QHtzBlZ6zV
#ditospeedtest #globetelecom #pldtspeedtest #smart #globespeedtest #smartspeedtest #dito #speedtest #4g #lte
Credit to original uploader:
Pinoy Streamline: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx-vh6wQxma8c61Y7nyxIHw
4g lte