Mikrotik Lecture 15:DHCP IP Address Allocation Methods or DHCP Server Configuration
In this Mikrotik Lecture 15 I will talk about DHCP Address Allocation Methods or Dynamically Allocating Client IP Addresses via DHCP. There are three ways that a DHCP server either assigns or sends an IP address to a client Automatic allocation—The DHCP server assigns a permanent IP address to a client from its IP Pools. On the firewall, a Lease specified as Unlimited means the allocation is permanent. Dynamic allocation—The DHCP server assigns a reusable IP address from IP Pools of addresses to a client for a maximum period of time, known as a lease.
Static allocation—The network administrator chooses the IP address to assign to the client and the DHCP server sends it to the client. A static DHCP allocation is permanent; it is done by configuring a DHCP server and choosing a Reserved Address to correspond to the MAC Address of the client device. The DHCP assignment remains in place even if the client logs off, reboots, has a power outage, etc.
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