BitRussia Platform – User registration using the UIAS (ESIA)

Piloting the BitRussia platform in the regulatory sandbox of the Bank of Russia.
Scenario 2 – One of the simplest and fastest ways to register a new user is to register using an account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System.

BitRussia is the Russian operational deployment of the Genesis Fintech financial

The deployed system is configured and fully adapted to Russian legislation, is the first platform
for the issuance of digital assets in Russia in the regulatory sandbox of the Bank of Russia
(market governor)

The ecosystem is a hardware and software complex developed using enterprise-level distributed
ledger technologies – Hyperledger Sawtooth, developed by the Linux Foundation with the
participation of dozens of the largest IT and fintech companies (IBM, Intel, SAP, Airbus, American
Express, Daimler, Fujitsu, JP Morgan) as well as a number of technologies in the areas of load
distribution, system monitoring, information security, etc.


by BitRussia

linux foundation

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