Install ubuntu 20.04 on windows 10 using hyper v virtual machine

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00:00 Install Ubuntu 20.04 in hyper v on windows 10

In this course we will learn about installing Ubuntu 20.04 on virtual machine and configuring virtual switch to access internet services.Virtualization helps the developers a lot to install multiple operating systems on the same platform as they need different environments during development phase of various components. In the next course we will deep dive into Hyper-V fundamentals.

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Hyper-V : 1-Introduction to hyper v on windows 10 | Introduction to hyper-v on windows 10

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Hyper-V : 4-Create virtual switch in hyper v – creating virtual switch and virtual networks in hyper v

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Hyper-V : 6-Install ubuntu 20.04 on windows 10 using hyper v virtual machine

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ubuntu 20.04

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