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Astrophotography: Capturing Thor's Helmet Nebula in Ha and OIII

This is NGC 2359 (also known as Thor’s Helmet). I collected 13.5 hours of data on it starting back in December and finishing a month later. This object is nearly 12,000 light years from Earth. The central star is thought to be on its death bed and on the verge of exploding into a supernova.

I went with 100% Ha in Red and 100% OIII in Green and Blue. Here is more info on the hardware and software:

Thor’s Helmet
Leo Triplet

Imaging Telescope:
Explore Scientific 127mm ED Refractor (952 focal length)

MoonLite 2.5″ Focuser with Motor Auto-Focus

Focal Reducer:
Orion .8 Focal Reducer

Celestron CGX

Polar Alignment:
QHYCCD PoleMaster

Imaging Camera:
ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool


Thor’s Helmet
Astronomik Ha: 114×240″ (gain: 139, offset: 21)
Astronomik OIII: 88×240″ (gain: 75, offset: 15)
Integration: 13.47 hours

Leo Triplet
Optolong L-Pro: 240×60″ (gain: 0, offset: 10)
Integration: 4.0 hours

Guide scope:
Orion ST80

Guide Camera:
Lodestar X2

Guide Software:

Calibration Frames:
Darks: 50, Bias: 50, Flats: 50

Capture software:
Sequence Generator Pro (SGP)

Stacking software:

Post Processing:
PixInsight, PhotoShop

Dew Shield, Dew Heater Strip


#astronomy #astrophotography #supernova


atoll logiciel

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