CentOS 7 Tutorial – How to Create local DVD YUM Repository
In this video we are going to see how to create local DVD yum repository using the available CentOS 7 DVD iso file.
First step is we need to mount the DVD permanently in /media/mount_directory_name.
Second step is under /etc/yum.repos.d, we need to create one .repo or you can modify the available .repo file
and add the entries like this.
[LocalRepo] = Repository ID
name = Name of the repository
baseurl = Location of DVD Mount
Enabled = Enable repository
gpgcheck = Enable secure installation
gpgkey = Location of the key
After that save the .repo file and execute the below commands to check DVD yum repository is available or not.
yum clean all — will clear the cache.
yum repolist -v — lists the repositories available after clearing cache.
yum list — will list down the packages or rpms available in the DVD.
yum install httpd — To test I will be installing httpd server using this command.
centos 7