A complete linux guide for beginner
Here is a series of 13 articles (at the time of recording) focused on just Linux basics that everyone should know. This guide will impact your programming journey in a lot of ways. You will be more comfortable with resolving errors and moving code to production. Linux is unavoidable and vast. This Linux series is designed to keep it short yet cover enough so that you can learn the basics.
All these articles are professionally written and cover basic commands, their use case, and expected output screenshot. This is NOT a Linux cheatsheet but an in-depth short guide that covers all essential topics on Linux.
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It doesn’t feel good to have a disclaimer in every video but this is how the world is right now.
All videos are for educational purpose and use them wisely. Any video may have a slight mistake, please take decisions based on your research. This video is not forcing anything on you.
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by Hitesh Choudhary
linux foundation