DuckDNS for Routing Internet Traffic to your Home Lab with Dynamic IPs from your ISP.

Duck DNs is a dynamic DNS service. If you have a home IP address that chnages occasionally, or often, and you’re wanting to run any kind of homelab or servers that you may want to reach from ourside your home network, then you have a few options, but the easiest (IMO) is a dynamic DNS service. DuckDNS is a free service, at least for the reasons that we’ll be utilizing it.
Essentially, you register a DuckDNS url (example.duckdns.org) for your home, and then run a service in docker inside your home LAN, that keeps track of your current public IP address, and updates that IP to the DNS of your registered DuckDNS URL(s).

So, if your ISP, or happen-stance, causes your IP to change, you will still have access to your homelab via the registered URL.


DuckDNS DockerHub

DuckDNS Website

Portainer App Templates URL

00:00 Beginning
00:09 Introduction to Dynamic DNS
02:40 Thank you to my Patrons and Subscribers!
03:15 Installing DuckDNS in Docker via CLI
07:15 Creating our DuckDNS subdomain
11:00 Setup the Docker Container using Docker-Compose
13:55 Run our Container
17:45 Test our DuckDNS Site
18:25 Create a Second DuckDNS Subdomain
19:00 Setup the Docker Container using Portainer
21:15 Setup our Subdomain on NGinX Proxy Manager
22:20 Test our Second Subdomain

=== Contact ===
Twitter: @mickintx
Telegram: @MickInTx
Mastodon: http://mastodon.partecipa.digital/ @MickInTX

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Use Hover as your Domain Name Registrar to get some great control over you domains / sub-domains:

Support my Channel and ongoing efforts through Patreon:

What does the money go to?
To Pay for Digital Ocean droplets, donations to open source projects I feature, any hardware I may need to purchase for future episodes (which I will then give to a subscriber in a drawing or contest).

=== Attributions ===
Intro and Outro music provided by https://www.bensound.com


by Awesome Open Source

linux dns server

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