How to Fix PC 0x80070643 Error Code
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The 0x80070643 error is a Windows Update error. This error code is usually triggered by:
– MSI software update registration failure
– Corrupted .NET framework
Though it does not cause any serious damages but it is advisable to repair this issue as it may hamper your ability to install software updates..
Luckily, this error is easy to fix. All you have to do to fix this error is to uninstall and reinstall the .NET Framework.
Here is a step by step guide to repair the error 0x80070643:
1. First close all the currently running programs on your PC
2. Then go to the start menu and click on control panel. After you click on it you will see a Programs option here.
3. Now click on Programs and then click ‘Programs and Features’
4. Under the Programs and Features section you will see lots of programs. Double click on Microsoft .Net Framework 4 Client Profile.
5. Now as you double click on it a dialog box will open in front of the screen with 2 options Repair .Net Framework 4 Client Profile to its original state and the other option would be Remove.Net Framework 4 Client profile from this computer. Click on the first option that’s says Repair.
6. After clicking on the Repair tab, click ‘Next’ and then click ‘Finish’. This shows that the .NET Framework is repaired.
7. Now to bring the changes into effect, restart your PC and reboot.
8. After rebooting it, go to the start menu again and type Windows Update in the search box.
9. Click ‘Windows update’ to check for and install updates.
Additionally, it is recommended to clean your registry so your system will perform in an optimal level. The best way to clean the registry is to use a repair tool like Total System Care.
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