The LINUX GZDoom Tutorial…

In this video I give a brief tutorial on how to get started with GZDoom, a port that allows you to play oldschool Doom, and Doom mods on Modern Linux pcs!

GZDoom: https://www.zdoom.org/downloads

ZDL: https://github.com/lcferrum/qzdl/releases/download/3-1.1/ZDL_3-1.1_Linux_x64.tar.gz

Velanian Crisis (My Mod): https://github.com/ADoomedSpaceMarine/The_Velanian_Crisis/raw/master/–%20Releases%20–/Current%20-%20The%20Velanian%20Crisis.zip

7-Zip: https://www.7-zip.org/download.html

I hope this video is informative and helpful to someone out there!


by A Doomed Space Marine

linux download

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