How To Stop Fixing C Stage 1 In Windows 10 | Fixing Stop Disk checking on startup
In This Video, I will explain the How To Stop Fixing C Stage 1 In Windows 10 | Fixing (C) Stage 1 error message during boot
Follow the instructions below
Fixing (C) Stage 1 error message during boot
01. Press Win+R to open the Run prompt.
02. Type regedit and hit the Enter button.
03. Click the Yes option.
04. Navigate to Session Manager in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
05. Double-click on BootExecute.
06. Set the Value data as autocheck autochk /k:C *
07. Click the OK button.
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#How_To_Stop_Fixing_C_Stage_1_In_Windows _10
how to repair windows 10