Ubuntu Snap Desktop Is Canonical's Final Form

If I said a few years ago that Canonical would eventually have a full snap release of Ubuntu you probably wouldn’t be surprised, so that it’s actually happening with the 24.04 LTS I’m still not very surprised, just surprised it took so long

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OMG Ubuntu Article: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/05/immutable-all-snap-ubuntu-desktop
Firefox Snap: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/09/ubuntu-makes-firefox-snap-default?ref=news.itsfoss.com
Steam Snap: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/03/ubuntu-steam-snap-candidate-testing
CUPS Snap: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/05/cups-snap-ubuntu-23-10
Ubuntu Flavors Flatpak: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/02/ubuntu-flavors-no-flatpak

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Track: Debris & Jonth – Game Time [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDTvvOTie0w
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/GameTime

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21 thoughts on “Ubuntu Snap Desktop Is Canonical's Final Form

  • I need to mess around with stuff on etc/ in order to stop my bluetooth headphones from popping, does the immutability affect me there?

  • Tx for this. Stability, Speed, then Stay-Out-Of-My-Way. How they get there I don't much care.

  • I run Kubuntu 22.04 LTS and I have already encountered snaps in my Google Crome browser. There seems to be a bug in this implementation because I am nagged for many days before the snap is refreshed. But what I really like is the idea that one snap pack can be used for a multitude of Linux distributions and versions thereof whihout the need for a separate compilation for each version and distro. I read this as greatly facilitating new apps for my machine. 🙂

  • I hate when most Linux Distros try to be a MacOS clone

  • Found myself on a random linux video and it is amazing how many words sound like they make sense but don't. Ubuntu linux has moved from discroller to cranberry which is fully compatible with blackguard, but don't use that because windows (not that windows) lets you boot crank the gradients better.

  • Not a fan of snaps, for me they just seem to fix a non-existent problem and are simply an extra complexity that I have to deal with.

  • The snap distribution will be great for servers but I’ll stick to the normal distribution as I only use snaps for my official channels of proprietary software.

    Everything else is repo or deb files for chrome, VPN etc…

  • The browser is the most resource-intensive application most people use. Because fuck the web. IDK how people accept their browser being less effective.

  • I tried the current version and i am a bit surprised about the performance. It is lighter that the regular version. The ram usage is around 800MB and the applications start instantly. They do something the first boot to make applications run without the performance issues you normally have when installing snaps. Now the first boot takes longer but after that it is faster than a regular ubuntu version.

  • actually sounds interesting. ive been wanting to ditch windows, but i am a gamer and have a gtx 1070, the nvidia snaps sound actually really great, nvidia drivers are always a pain and ive rarely seen info on how to game when using manual linux setups like arch or void, also helps since I'm not a Linux expert.

    however im also an electrical engineering major and if solidworks and diptrace (any eda package) can't run on Linux then I can't leave windows, thanks college for mandating solidworks

  • I like the Everything Just Works concept but I much prefer the Nix/Guix way of doing things. Declarative package management is extremely nice. tbh the Guix approach of challengeable deterministic builds is also really good and I wish the Snap devs were thinking about that.

  • I think this is a great idea. Most people just want their system to work. This could be the start of mass market acceptance of Linux desktop.

  • it is ok if the snap's server become floss (free libre open source software) 🙂

  • I'm moving away from ubuntu, albeit slowly because i have a ton of machines running it, but i can't stand with every weird problem i encounter being because some application has been moved to snap by an update….

  • So it happened, they finally Snapped! I know terrible jk.

  • As a NON linux User, but slowly switching to Foss, one software at a time, it s really compelling to me : I want something that WORK, and I don't care if I'm not able to tune it… I don't have neither skills not time for this BS. So, something out of the box, keeping itself up to date, without dependency, with stability and compatibility thanks to integrated libs in snaps ?!… Well, I'm in !

    Actually, every time I try Ubuntu on a virtual machine, it's cool, it work… But I don't know what to do. With snaps, I believe I could install and scratch app so easily that I would not have more excuses to not use it.

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