Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Use Home IP Address While Traveling with GL.iNet AX Slate, Opal, and WireGuard® VPN

In a previous video we looked at how we could use the GL.iNet Slate AX with NordVPN to change our location. This time we are using a second router to share our Home Internet using WireGuard® VPN Server so no matter where we travel the Slate AX will make it look like we are still home.

Previous video about Slate AX here:

Troubleshooting Tools:

0:00 Intro
2:01 Setup Dynamic DNS on the Opal
4:14 Setup WireGuard® VPN Server on the Opal
5:15 Port Forwarding Basics
6:26 Port Forwarding on Frontier Residential Router
7:31 Start WireGuard® VPN Server on the Opal
9:53 Connect to the Slate AX that goes with us
10:36 Setup WireGuard® VPN Client on the Slate AX
12:37 Speed Test
13:36 Set the Custom Switch

Amazon Affiliate Links to Products in Video (I make a commission when you use these links)
GL.iNet Slate AX Router (Black):
GL.iNet Opal Router (White): (Update: The Opal does not support ZeroTier, so if you can’t port forward you should get the Beryl AX instead and do the ZeroTier setup )
You may also want these cable ties to keep things neat:

UPDATE: I don’t have a video for this yet, but if you don’t have a Public IP Address or if you otherwise cannot Port Forward, firmware version 4.2 has ZeroTier support! This service requires a free zerotier account but does not require port forwarding!
See the docs here:
The Opal does not have version 4.2 so it does not support ZeroTier! Here is a list of devices that do:

Unless you have a device that can run the VPN Server already such as an always on computer or NAS, then you will need two devices. Links are included but note they are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

The device that stays home could be:
Beryl AX –
Brume 2 – – (Doesn’t have WiFi)
Flint – – (Not made for travel)
Slate AX – Fastest – 

The device you take with you could be
Beryl AX –
Slate AX – Fastest –


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

45 thoughts on “Use Home IP Address While Traveling with GL.iNet AX Slate, Opal, and WireGuard® VPN

  • Hi Justin, we did all the steps but we cant get the VPN client connected with Wireguard. The log file keeps telling us that is reloading firewall du to the IFUP of modem.

  • If you want to be slightly more secure, you can just forward UDP. TCP is not needed for WireGuard..

  • Fiz aqui e funcionou perfeitamente, melhor que eu esperava. Muito obrigado.

  • can you configure for me what is the difference bn delectated IP

  • I used Brume 2 for Wireguard Server and Beryl AX for travel router, works like a charm. Like others said here – use UDP instead of TCP/UDP, just UDP.

  • Hello, is this a way you could connect to a Corporate vpn, so as to appear as in your hone country ?

  • @justinreviewsandrepairs5246 Does this process bypass Deep Packet inspection that corporate company firewalls use to bypass VPN traffic?

  • Hello!! Thank you so much for this video!! Just one question lol ..if i purchased two beryls would the process essentially be the same? I'm a tad bit tech savvy and can follow directions very well. 😂

  • Hi Justin, I appreciate you going through the motions and explaining every step for us. When I run a DNS test, it shows my real location. Is there a step or plug in to try and avoid the DNS leak? Thank you!

  • Hi Justin, how is the weather in Rowlett Texas?

  • I’m having a hard time getting this done. I have the AX-1800 and GL SFT 1200. Using the AX1800 as the Server and GL1200 as the client. I followed the process thoroughly yesterday but still no success. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

  • Thanks Justin for the comment. Let me give it a try. I exchanged a few msgs with nord, but not getting anywhere with them. I will definitely look up the port forwarding for the xfinity router/modem.

  • Hello Justin. ? 4 u. Do offer one on one set up services for a fee? I think I need this setup. I have been using nordvpn to log into my work's vpn to access its servers. work recently upgraded its servers and I am no longer able able to access its servers when using my vpn…i can login to work's citrix vpn, but when i try to connect to work's servers i get an error msg "could not resolve server address. when i disconnect nordvpn, i can get right in to my work's servers. work uses vmware horizon to connect to it servers. from what i gather this dual travel router setup does not act like a vpn, but as you said as if i was logging in from home router with its local ip. if you have a moment to respond i would greatly appreciate it….if not i still appreciate the video. it has given me hope and i subscribed. thanks.

  • I just want to want to say MANY THANKS Justin! For your time and efforts you put together to make this video tutorial. I got my GL-INET routers talking to each other.

  • NordVPN issue solved

    Yesterday (6-28-2023), my Glinet AXT1800 stopped connecting with the same "Auth Failed" issue in the log file. I found the solution to be:

    1. Disable the OpenVPN at the dashboard (to gain internet access)

    2. Go to NordVPN website and log in

    3. Under accounts – Services – click NordVPN

    4. Click – Set up NordVPN manually – at the bottom right of the page.

    5. You will receive a verification code in your email that you use for NordVPN services. Type the code in the popup window the preceded the email check.

    6. Copy the credentials using the “Copy” buttons on the right for your new encrypted user name and password in the OpenVPN Client settings.

    7. You will now be able to connect again

  • Hi Justin, do you know if same setup can be done if I have starlink internet at home?

  • Hey Justin just sent you an email. Hope you can help and thank you as always! 💪🏽

  • Can I do this set up with two Slate AX instead of the Opal?

  • Yow from Jamaica here, worked exactly like you said thanks

  • Hi Justin, thank you so much for guiding.
    My device was freezing in the last step to connect the VPN client spot.
    I use ATT and thought I did the port forwarding (the service VAP was setted up and green light)

    I saw this message on my log :
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:57 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): * Zone 'lan'
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:57 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): * Zone 'wan'
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:57 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): * Zone 'guest'
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:57 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): * Zone 'wgclient'
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:57 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): * Set tcp_ecn to off
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:57 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): * Set tcp_syncookies to on
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:57 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): * Set tcp_window_scaling to on
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:57 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): * Running script '/etc/firewall.nat6'
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:57 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): * Running script '/etc/'
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:57 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): * Running script '/var/etc/gls2s.include'
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:57 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): ! Skipping due to path error: No such file or directory
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:57 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): * Running script '/usr/bin/'
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:57 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): * Running script '/etc/'
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:58 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): Failed to parse json data: unexpected character
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:58 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): uci: Entry not found
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:58 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (1083): cat: can't open '/tmp/run/wg_resolved_ip': No such file or directory
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:58 2023 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wgclient' is now down
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:58 2023 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wgclient' is setting up now
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:58 2023 user.notice mwan3[1368]: Execute ifdown event on interface wgclient (unknown)
    Sat Oct 7 06:21:59 2023 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifdown of wgclient ()

    What should I do in here?

  • Ive Brume 2 setup for wiregaurd server but im getting the below error

    daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wgserver' is setting up nownWed Oct 4 04:50:43 2023 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wgserver' is now upnWed Oct 4 04:50:44 2023 daemon.notice netifd: Network device 'wgserver' link is upnWed Oct 4 04:50:44 2023 user.notice mwan3[32247]: Execute ifup event on interface wgserver (wgserver)nWed Oct 4 04:50:44 2023 user.notice mwan3[32247]: Starting tracker on interface wgserver (wgserver)nWed Oct 4 04:50:46 2023 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifup of wgserver (wgserver)n"

    Also, the VPN light isnt turning on the router either. Port Forwarding is already done on main router with
    Source IP: main routers private ip
    Destination IP: brume 2 private ip assigned by main router

  • Hi Justin , thank you for your video, could it work with the aircove router (using express VPN ) and GL.iNet Opal Router (White)?

  • On setting wire guard client I followed the steps but it isn’t working . I it’s not connected to the internet and when I try to start wire guard client I get client is starting .. can someone help

  • Hi justin
    Will this client and server setup has more speed then the open vpn setup like nord vpn or express vpn on the gli router.

  • Hi Justin,
    I followed all the steps.. 1) Setup DNS 2) Completed port forwarding for the Opal device that stays home 3)Copied the configuration from Opal (home divice) along with DDNS. 4)Pasted the same with DDNS in Slate travel router 5) I started the WireGuard Client, BUT NO GREEN DOT. All I see is orange dot and not able to establish VPN connection to the server!!! Can you please help me with this issue?

    Below is the log

    "Thu Sep 28 21:00:33 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (15790): * Running script '/etc/'n
    Thu Sep 28 21:00:33 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (15790): * Running script '/etc/'n
    Thu Sep 28 21:00:33 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (15790): * Running script '/var/etc/gls2s.include'n
    Thu Sep 28 21:00:33 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (15790): ! Skipping due to path error: No such file or directoryn
    Thu Sep 28 21:00:33 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (15790): * Running script '/usr/bin/'n
    Thu Sep 28 21:00:33 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (15790): Failed to parse json data: unexpected charactern
    Thu Sep 28 21:00:33 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (15790): uci: Entry not foundn
    Thu Sep 28 21:00:33 2023 daemon.notice netifd: wgclient (15790): cat: can't open '/tmp/run/wg_resolved_ip': No such file or directoryn
    Thu Sep 28 21:00:33 2023 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wgclient' is now downn
    Thu Sep 28 21:00:33 2023 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wgclient' is setting up nown
    Thu Sep 28 21:00:34 2023 user.notice mwan3[15888]: Execute ifdown event on interface wgclient (unknown)n
    Thu Sep 28 21:00:34 2023 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifdown of wgclient ()n
    Thu Sep 28 21:01:06 2023 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wgclient' is now downn
    Thu Sep 28 21:01:07 2023 user.notice mwan3[17566]: Execute ifdown event on interface wgclient (unknown)n
    Thu Sep 28 21:01:08 2023 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifdown of wgclient ()n
    Thu Sep 28 21:20:37 2023 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wgclient' is setting up nown
    Thu Sep 28 21:21:07 2023 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wgclient' is now downn
    Thu Sep 28 21:21:07 2023 user.notice mwan3[30358]: Execute ifdown event on interface wgclient (unknown)n
    Thu Sep 28 21:21:08 2023 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifdown of wgclient ()n
    Thu Sep 28 21:26:12 2023 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wgclient' is setting up nown"

  • Hey Justin, thanks a lot for this video. Would the speed reduce significantly if I'm on the other side of the world and connecting to my router at home? Also, what if I used this method and on top of this, had to connect to the company's VPN as well. Would the speeds or latency be super low? I would it to be quick enough to handle VOIP phone conversations.

  • Curious how your wifi speeds are so good? I followed the exact same setup as you. My home download speed is 60mpbs download, 10mbps upload. For the Slate AX, I'm using a separate wifi with 200 mpbps download/ 200mpbps upload, but once I turn on my Wireguard VPN, I only get 10mbps per speedtest. This is unusually slow and unworkable. Also, my Slate AX keeps disconnecting from my wifi. Is there any way to solve this? -It seems as if I am unable to use this VPN set up consistently. The latency is also > 50ms. I might have to try your other video, and use NordVPN.

  • As of today (9/24/23), the Opal is a buggy piece of junk. It uses a chip for which there is no public datasheet, and is a patched-up version of Openwrt (18.x). Current versions of Openwrt are 22.x. 18.x has many vulnerabilities, and is no longer supported…you get what you pay for…

  • Thanks for the info! Small question, how do you set up the Opal? Is it just a stand alone power? Do you need a direct ethernet connection from the LAN port on the Opal to your Home router LAN port?

  • Hi! Do you think if I buy the beryl AX + wire guard will be possible to use my home ip of Portugal even if I move to Belgium?

  • It worked!! It took a while but only because of 2 majors issues #1, I didn't set up port forwarding correctly which required a call to my ISP (really take your time with this one). #2 I inadvertently put both routers on the same Wifi SSID. but switching one of the router to the 5G network, it worked like a charm! Thank you so much for uploading this Justin!

  • Hello Justin, I have 2 Slate AX. My ISP is CGNAT so I can't do port forwarding therefore I'm trying to use Zerotier on the routers. My question is I have 2 options: Allow Remote Access WAN and LAN. Which one do I need to enable on the home router and do I need any on the travel one?

    Thanks in advance for your help

  • I have 2 questions:
    1: what does the internet speed and latency look like?
    2: would VOIP work reliably on this system? 🙏 thanks

  • on the wireguard client router. Do i need to connect the client router to existing home wifi network as a repeater first?

  • New to this looking to try this set up any advice for me ?!! The more help the better thanks ☺️

  • isn't the whole point of remote access not to poke a inbound hole and go over port forwarding?!

  • Is there an updated video you could do? The interfaces look similar but are now organized/named differently and it is very confusing. I am trying to figure out why this won't work when we set it up to the T using this video and the actual manual itself.

    Edit: Nevermind. Turns out in my port forwarding i had to change the device using the "service" to my new router. I'll just have to change it to my old one if something happens and I need to revert in the future lol.

  • Hi justin In need of help ASAP, my 2 routers were working fine with wire guard vpn back in Uk, however I am abroad now and I have taken the 2nd router however it does not connect to the vpn , keeps saying timeout (usual error message)

    Please help thank you

  • hi Justin, quick question, I am using only ethernet connections for both routers, no wifi. Into what ports on the back of the devices do I need go connect the ethernet cables into for both the Slate and Opal

  • Why did you cut the video when you enabled wire guard?

  • Do you need to have a public ip for this to work and is it detectable by your employers that you are using a vpn ?

  • Hi Justin, great video !
    I'm curious how this works with Microsoft Authenticator/ Okta installed on personal phones . Do I run the risk of leaking location?


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