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deepOfix Mail Server Installation.flv

The deepOfix Mail Server is a Free / Open Source Software product that has been designed from ground-up to offer unprecedented ease-of-use. It can be deployed quickly in minutes by anyone even without having any prior GNU/Linux experience. Additionally, a server admin can manage the server using an exclusive web-based interface called the EasyPush Server Manager.

url for 3.4 RC


by Deepak Mohandas

linux smtp server

7 thoughts on “deepOfix Mail Server Installation.flv

  • So.. the most useful part is before the video begins… which is how do you start the installation?

  • can you just forward once with the logs. we need the logs at the time of cgi crash. This time we will help you out sure.

  • 3.4 is the current version which is being deployed everywhere. Can you please post the easypush error logs from the apache log directory. You can sent the mails directly to our support email id. We wiil be happy to help you out.
    We never came across the cgi crash in 3.4. Also how much free space you have in your root partition?

  • i've added a bitly url in the description for the new 3.4 RC version.

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