Ubuntu Isn't Cool Anymore
Today I talk about my thoughts on Ubuntu and why it just isn’t as cool as it used to be.
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This is probably the stupidest video about a Linux distribution I have ever seen. A Ubuntu hater nitpicking about nonsense. 🙄
Ubuntu is not something I associate with stability.
Well, I use linux as my daily driver and love it 🙂
I ask for stability first. Ubuntu is a good choice because ubuntu-server is in the background.
But I need innovation too, that is why I chose kubuntu-lts version. For me, Kde is where innovation is, as far as desktop is concerned.
Every 2 years I install kubuntu.xx.04.2 and I enjoy new plasma things 🙂
k ubuntu 🙂
Quick updates is not the point of ubuntu, ubuntu is audience is server admins and system administrators. In a business environment when you have 1000+ computers and 3000+ users you don't want change. 1 change can cause errors or a change in workflow that will have 1000's of confused consumers calling I.T. figuring out how to do their job again.
Ubuntu is great for digital media and music. Its all I use it for. better than widows and mac. One day Ubuntu will get there just gonna take time.
I'm a new linux user and it's even funny that i didn't even consider Ubuntu as my first distro. Everything looked outdated and the system full o bloat.
0:38 Nah, 08.04 was back in the golden GNOME 2 days, back when Canonical would actually push the Linux desktop! If anything the color scheme has been the same since 10.04, and the UI is more of a call to Unity from 11.04. I defiantly agree that Ubuntu use to be the de facto first install desktop, I definitely had some good times with it back in the day. Heck I still keep an Ubuntu key chain that I got from Marcel Gagné (RIP Linux Journal), and I'm not even a daily Ubuntu driver! It make's me sad to see Ubuntu go down to down like it did, I wouldn't even recommend it to a newcomer these days.
I would personally pick debian over Ubuntu, but, I'm liking fedora a lot and appearance mean nothing to me. I really just need something where everything works and everything is laid out in a sensible and logical manner, fedora cinnamon does everything I need in a way I expect.
Plus I started on red hat Linux so I'm partial to rpm based distros
Boring is good for me
Ubuntu isn't the new Debian because Debian is both stable and independent. So if you like stability, Debian is the way.
Ubuntu is not interested in general audience, their money is with paid support of big corporate deployments. It's like saying RHEL looking 'crusty'. Well, crusty by design!
Please show as how u can rice it up with qtile and also change the colour scheme the look and feel 🔥💯👌👍
Opensuse here
Naw you're just bored of it, and there's nothing stopping you from customizing it however you want
Disappointing. I like your videos, but man, Debian boring? Are we still saying this? Repeat after me, Debian-is-not-boring. You can run stable Debian, and that is the one you might call "boring", but there are so many other options running Debian. You can run Testing or even Sid (or even Experimental), so I don't see how it is boring. It is boring if you are lazy or unknowledgeable. You can make it as exciting as Arch if you know your way around. Anything can be cool if you are cool.
“New and exciting things are supposed to happen” -> Fedora, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, is what you want or if you don’t have to do any actual work Arch.
Ubuntu has been boring for at least 10 years.
I definitely don't miss the days of upgrading to a new Verison of Ubuntu for my laptops wifi card to just not work. I've spent countless school nights staying up till 3am getting my wifi working
Hi there, congratulations on the video. That being said, ubuntu can have some new things that fedora does not use, tripple buffering for example that you have on 22.10 and not on F37, there is going a great amount of work to have on ubuntu 23.04, dont know if F38 will have it or not. Best regards and keep the good job
How about talk about Fedora along the same lines.. they never do any tweaks to the looks at all.. This looks to me like a pure click bait video.. thanks but no thanks..by the way I don't use Ubuntu but I appreciate the hard work that goes into it..
in my opinion Linux has never made it big in Desktop PC because of stability. People want stability. The Iphone Pro 11,12 ,13 and 14 all look the same, and Apple is the biggest company in the world. There must be something about stability. Big Money
6:13 if this is your interest, you will be disappointed with pretty much every new project, most projects set out to do one thing and work on making that stable and keep it working.
The goal is not to do new things, but solve one problem and they think they found a new way to solve that problem and are trying to deliver on that idea. When it's done, they don't need to innovate anymore.
Let's be very clear making Linux usable on the desktop was a goal, they succeeded, they needed to do innovation to get to that point, not so much anymore.
Work horses do not exist to be pretty. As someone who runs Debian on servers, boring/stability is a good thing. Ubuntu is trying to be the same in some areas (desktop) and moved on to do innovation in others. I do think they are still doing important work on for example the containers side of things (LXC/LXD/Docker/Kubernetes).
On the desktop the innovation is on Wayland or building an 'app store' or similar platform on top of the base (which is not something I like, I would rather everything to be packaged, but containers are influencing modern solutions to old problems, so we'll use that instead, snap, flatpak, etc.).
For me Gnome is the only desktop environment that has its own integrity and individuality. Because most of the other, say, xfce or lxde or lxqt or kde or mate or cinnamon or kde all these are either trying to replicate the philosophy of Microsoft windows desktop environment or Mac OSx look and feel, but Gnome is not a replica of either windows or macos, but it has its own goodies and limitations as well. And it is the only desktop environment available in any operating system, (Unix like). Even without any customization or tweaking gnome is gorgeous to me personally.
the title shoulda been, Ubuntu turned into windows lmao
To me, it just has to be functional. If you're really using your computer to get actual work done, you're not looking at the folders on your harddrive the whole day. The problem with these linux-fanboys is that they spend too much time on distro-hopping to get just 1 more feature in stead of using the OS what it was ment for. But hey..it's your opinion on Ubuntu..which is fine.
reads title
My personal hot take: Ubuntu was never cool, when it came out, it was just one of the only consistently useable desktop linux distros in it's hay-day. I started using it in 2006(Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger) coming over from Fedora Core 5(this was just before they had fully changed the name to being just Fedora), and I stuck with it until Gnome3 and Unity came out which was what version? 10.04 LTS or 10.10? At that point I think I had moved over to Ubuntu Mate because I really didn't like Unity at all. I didn't have a wide screen monitor, and didn't know anyone that did, so I just viewed it as a waste of screen space. After all, who wants a DE that's constantly in your way? I had been dual-booting with Windows 8 beta because that had just released IIRC. Ubuntu just has never really been the same since. Today, I don't have linux installed at all anymore. Was just never able to find a reliable home. I still keep an eye on the space though… just in case things get better, especially in the gaming space. WINE and Proton has made great strides, but there are places they are just not quite ready yet. Anti-cheat(some of this is on the devs of certain games) being one, and not being able to force them to use a specific GPU(this is important for laptops that have both iGPUs and discrete GPUS, because it defaults to the integrated graphics) is the other major pain-point.
Now it feels like they've abandoned the desktop to focused on the server side(which is fair, it's where their money comes from via service agreements and such). This is sorta shown by the move to snap-ifying every piece of software in the OS. These don't really run well on spinning drives. they're faster, but still very slow on SATA SSDs as well. I think the reason they stopped pushing that envelope is every time they did the community would just bash them for it. Some of the time it was warranted, a lot of the time it wasn't. If everything you do is wrong… you're gonna stop trying to be right. There are a lot of people that just don't know how to articulate criticism in a positive way, and I think that has lead to a lot of commercial devs just not wanting to deal with linux users at all. As a whole people have to get a lot better about that.
I use the same Openbox style and GTK theme since ~15 years. I even use the same wallpaper.
I don't see the issue here 😊
When you see Ubuntu being used in Boston Dynamics videos… it's cool.
Ubuntu may have given Linux a little more attention, but it's Android and Steam which have made Linux more mainstream.
If something is cool for nerds, is it truly cool? Hashtag# make Ubuntu cool again!
P.S. I never stuck to Ubuntu nor Debian for very long.
Being like Debian is a major compliment!
Everybody knows how I feel. Clearly the best distro is Slackware.
Your personal impression is just your personal impression. I'm rocking Mate because I don't need the "moving forward" part. But that's the important bit. If I want something else I will just choose another desktop environment.
To me a good OS is not one to which I adapt myself. I adapt the OS to my need. So I can use whatever distribution and mod it to my need. Ubuntu provides fairly good driver support, which is great. But I've never cared about how something is shipped.
Btw I don't use arch and I don't use ubuntu.
Anyway, ubuntu doesn't seem stale in the sense of development. Maybe it's stale in the sense of appearance.
Why has an OS to be "cool" and look "new"? There are plenty of linux users, who are enjoying their "old" linux distributions right now. I for myself love Debian. Because it's stable, does not update constantly, exept security updates. I like that, because Debian in it's stable branch doesn't run into booting issues while updating the system (Arch Linux often did). I need my system "stable" because I have to get work done. I do not use linux because it is "cool". I use linux for getting work done. And I think there are many of people out there, who're using it exactly for that reason. 🙂
i dont think any one care now days . look like every one move back to deb or arch / fedora
Not only is ubuntu not cool anymore, they exile themselfs constantly by not accepting the way the linux community wants to go (wayland vs mir, flatpak vs snaps etc).
Fedora is now where it at! Way better than it used to be.
I don't see how Fedora is new and exciting when all they do is ship default gnome whereas Ubuntu ships patched gnome and few extensions out of the box which deliver a better experience.
I like tools that will reliably do what I need them to do in the same way that they've always done them every time.
Exciting means it will break at the worst possible moment.
Thanks for the content Matt!
5 year support, Stable, rock solid , best hardware enablement, simple does not go well with the Linux community 🙃
Since when was Ubuntu supposed to be "the" distro where "new and exciting things were happening?" For as long as I've been aware of Linux, Ubuntu was supposed to be the "stable and user-friendly" distro with the best out-of-the-box compatibility and mainstream software support. I've never heard anyone talk about Ubuntu as cutting-edge or experimental, that's what Arch is for.
I totally feel ya on this one dude. I remember using Ubuntu waaaay back in 2004 when it was shiny and new. Debian was having a lot of difficulty back then with releases being delayed and packages stagnating. Ubuntu came around with fresh packages, easy install, and willing to push the envelope on innovation. It is very obvious Ubuntu is more concentrated on thier enterprise offerings. I get it, ya gotta make a buck. I remember when Shuttleworth started the Ubuntu foundation and donated a ton of money to it, even back then he said that he eventually wanted Ubuntu to be profitable.
Ubuntu being old and crusty.. Nay good sir, Ubuntu is not old and crusty. Now Red Hat 7.3 (the original Red Hat, not RHEL), THAT is old and crusty! lol
I never liked ewebuntu!
People talk about distributions and really they just need to switch desktop environments. Ubuntu can look like anything you want. Want KDE, cinammon, vanilla gnome, or whatever you want just install it. Pointless argument.
i like ubuntu in a hypervisor
Yeah, Ubuntu is old and crusty and that's the point, at least for LTS releases (which most of Ubuntu users use, anyway). I'd say Pop!_OS is the new Ubuntu (referring to Ubuntu's long gone ability to be innovative, fresh, and interesting) of the APT land. Mint has always been too Debian-ish in the sense that it was boring, but rock effin solid.