IP Datagram format IPV4 Header Format Numerical | UGC NET June 2023 Computer Science ip datagram
ip datagram.- UGC NET June 2023 Computer Science Comprehension question solution on ip datagram
An IP datagram has arrived with the following partial information in the header (in hexadecimal): 45000054 00030000 2006…..
a. What is the header size?
b. Are there any options in the packet?
c. What is the size of data?
d. Is the packet fragmented?
e. How many more routers can the packet travel to?
f. What is the protocol number of the payload being carried by the packet?
One correction. Please note that Data size will be Total length – Header = 84-20 = 64
Thank you Mam
Maam humlog jo 20 minus kar rehe hai actually yee konsa value le rahe hai… matlab header size is 20 and minimum header size is 20(always )… So konsa wala value minus ho rahe hai…thodasa conflict hoo gaye …. please bata dijiye….. otherwise understood…Thank you
Very clear mam. Thank u so much
Thank u mam
Thank You Very Much mam .Really unable to do in the exam .eventhough have some idea .Now it is 100% clear.
very clear mam thankyou
Thanku..clear..IPV6 please.. .
UGC NET 17th June 2023 Computer Science Answer Key – Part 1 https://youtu.be/8WTi5nWPPDo
Mam pls continue this type of short video
It is very easy to understand
Clear.. thank you mam 😊