Bluetooth not showing in Windows 7
In this video, I will show you how to enable Windows 7’s Bluetooth device.. Currently my computer is not showing Bluetooth option. I will show you two ways to enable Bluetooth
Now you can transfer any file with the help of Bluetooth
how to fix bluetooth missing from device manager in windows 7. No Bluetooth settings Windows 7. Bluetooth missing from device Manager Windows 7
1st method
Go to Device Manager on the computer.
Then click on Network Adapter
Then click on Action
Then click on Add legacy hardware option
Select the network adapter
Select Microsoft from the manufacturing list
Then select Bluetooth in the network adapter list
2nd method
Go to the C drive of the computer
Then go to the Windows folder
Then go to the system32 folder
Then find out by typing fsquirt here
Now right click on the Send to Desktop shortcut
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Background music:
how to repair windows 7
still not working
What do I do after im done with the first method? I did it but the bluetooth logo wont show up, am I meant to restart my pc?
wow i never … uk wat i did this long time ago but forgot it…thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How to connect my airpods to the pc using bluetooth plz help me 😢
So helpful….. thank you
thank you so much
Thanx…..solve the problem
Thank you, this was so helpful to me❤
Thank you so much! already had bluetooth😊
Tenho caixa de som da Philco nova, o notebook windows 7 64bits consegue instalar o modelo pcx5600 da philco porém não reproduz o áudio! Provavelmente é porque a versão do bluetooh não é compatível! O que devo fazer para reproduzir música normalmente?
windows 10
Thankyouuuverymuch for this.
Kya yrr pura chutiya bana dale ho yrr
I cant select to send your file
Are bahi microsoft hi nhi show ho rha ha
Thank you…. ❣️❣️
absolutely nonsense video
The bluetooth isn"t supporting. It says the version of this file is not compitable with the version of the windows. What to do?