linux ftp serverLinux serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONS

How to Connect to an FTP server using the Raspberry Pi Pico W (Quick/Easy)

This video demonstrates how to FTP into external servers with your Raspberry Pi Pico W using the micropython-ftplib. Some of the functionality with this library is limited compared to the regular Python ftplib. Note that the micropython-ftplib from the Thonny packages does not work! Hence this is a workaround. Hope you find this useful to some degree

Link to Library Code:

Free ftp test server:

FTP Test

Link to Blog Post:


by Shilleh

linux ftp server

4 thoughts on “How to Connect to an FTP server using the Raspberry Pi Pico W (Quick/Easy)

  • Remember to like and subscribe if the video helped you 😸, would be really appreciated! Let me know if you have any suggestions for me for other content. Thanks for watching!

  • Hi this was very helpful! although i'm trying to use this with circuit python and im struggling to get things up and running due to the dependancy on socket/usocket. Any ideas on how i could get this working?

  • Thought this was exactly what I was looking for. Sadly it does not work with me. I only get a bunch of errors.
    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
    File "", line 216, in _init_
    File "", line 274, in connect
    File "", line 236, in _create_connection
    File "", line 107, in _resolve_addr
    OSError: -2

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