How to Install Wildfly Application Server on CentOS 7
WildFly formerly known as JBoss web and application server is an open source high performance web application server written in Java.
It is specially designed for high throughput and is able to handle millions of connections. WildFly is a simple, flexible, lightweight, managed application runtime that can help you build amazing applications easily. WildFly’s architecture is based on pluggable subsystems, so you can easily add or remove. This will allow you to reduce the overall disk footprint and memory overhead of the server. WildFly supports two modes: a single JVM (standalone mode) and a multi-JVM (domain mode) that can be used to synchronize configuration across any number of processes and hosts.
java -version && echo $JAVA_HOME && echo $PATH && which java
cd wildfly-10.1.0.Final/
wildfly configuration file path:-
cp -p ./standalone/configuration/standalone.xml ./standalone/configuration/standalone.xml.old
gedit ./standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
firewall-cmd –zone=public –add-port=8080/tcp –permanent
firewall-cmd –zone=public –add-port=9990/tcp –permanent
firewall-cmd –reload
centos 7