Check Your PC for Hacked Backdoor Accounts
NOTE FOR HOME EDITION USERS: Apparently this might only work on Windows Pro editions. BUT if you have Home, instead go into command prompt and type the command “net user”, which will also list all accounts, it just won’t mark which accounts are disabled. So you’ll have to remember to ignore the built-in ones I mention in the video (specifically: Administrator, DefaultAccount, Guest, WDAGUtilityAccount)
by ThioJoe
windows server dns
"Local Users and Groups" might only show up on Windows Pro editions. BUT if you have Home, instead go into command prompt and type the command "net user", which will also list all accounts, it just won't mark which accounts are disabled. So you'll have to remember to ignore the built-in ones I mention in the video (specifically: Administrator, DefaultAccount, Guest, WDAGUtilityAccount)
Me: sees unknown account, Me: removes it, Administrator: why did i get removed
What happened to Windows 10 taskbar?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I don’t even have local users and group option 😃
for some reason i did found a backdoor process but theres no other accounts
I don't have the users section in this application
why are one of the accounts not guest for me but gast? looking in cmd
I have "HomeGroupUser$" do I have to worry?
i have one just called User that dont show up
Netplwiz for home users
just checked; no suspicious accounts there in my account. Phew))
Guys if this happens you need a usb to create a media creation tool it will completely wipe
That option is not showing in my pc what should I do
What if I don't have that option Local Users and Groups?
I don't even have an option for Local Users And groups when I go to Computer Management
I dont have local users and groups option for windows 11
Wtf is this windows version I neeeed it! Wind xp and wind 10 all in one oooooommmmmmmgggggg!!!
If the Threat Actor’s malware was embedded into the system via a kernel driver (i.e a cracked game or app) this method would not work as they have full control over the system UI and Shell. A prominent example of this would be crackonosh malware
2013 stuff. Fake news
i dont have local user and group