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Proxmox Email Notification Configuration

#Proxmox #Email #Notifications #Configuration

Full steps can be found at

Configuring User E-mail Address
   01. In a web browser, navigate to the Proxmox web UI and login
   02. Select Datacenter ≫ Permissions ≫ Users from the left navigation menus
   03. Double click the user to configure
   04. Complete the E-mail field on the Edit User form ≫ Click OK
Simple Configuration via Web UI
By default, Proxmox will try to use the domain portion of the “Email from address” as the e-mail relay server.
   01. Select Datacenter ≫ Options from the left navigation menus
   02. Double click the Email from address field
   03. Enter the e-mail address that Proxmox will send outgoing e-mails from ≫ Click OK
   04. Expand Datacenter ≫ Select the node name ≫ Click Shell in the left navigation menus
   05. Run the following commands in the terminal
         # send a basic test email
         echo “Test email from Proxmox: $(hostname)” | /usr/bin/proxmox-mail-forward
         # output the mail log
         cat /var/log/mail.log
   06. Notice the relay is the domain (i12bretro.local) from the Email from address setting
Advanced Configuration via CLI
To make more advanced configuration changes, like using a gmail account, you need to edit the postfix settings via command line
   01. Back in the Proxmox web shell, run the following commands in the terminal
         # install libsasl
         apt install libsasl2-modules -y
         # edit the postfix config
         nano /etc/postfix/
   02. Press CTRL+W and search for mydestination
   03. Comment out mydestination by adding a # to the beginning of the line
   04. Press CTRL+W and search for relayhost
   05. Comment out relayhost by adding a # to the beginning of the line
   06. Update or add the following configuration
         relayhost =
         smtp_use_tls = yes
         smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
         smtp_sasl_security_options =
         smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
         smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/Entrust_Root_Certification_Authority.pem
   07. Press CTRL+O, Enter, CTRL+X to write the changes
   08. Continue with the following commands in the terminal
         # create /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
         nano /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
   09. Add a line to configure gmail authentication ≪%youraccount%≫≪%yourpassword%≫
   10. Press CTRL+O, Enter, CTRL+X to write the changes
   11. Continue with the following commands in the terminal
         # update postfix lookup tables
         postmap hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
         # limit access to sasl_passwd to only root
         chmod 600 /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
         # restart postfix service
         systemctl restart postfix
         # test from postfix directly
         echo “Test email from Proxmox: $(hostname)” | mail -s “Proxmox Testing” ≪%youraccount%≫
         # send a test from proxmox
         echo “Test email from Proxmox: $(hostname)” | /usr/bin/proxmox-mail-forward

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by i12bretro

linux smtp server

12 thoughts on “Proxmox Email Notification Configuration

  • I don't understand why they do not insert something in the web ui 🙁
    thanks a lot for tip

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • Nice tutorial! It was fairly easy to adapt this to my own email server. Thank You so very much.

  • Found something – yes, the binary was replaced in pve-manager>=7.2-12. See apt changelog pve-manager: – replace pvemailforward with new rust based promox-wide proxmox-mail-forward

  • Thanks this is very helpful. With gmail though, is it possible to change the FROM address in the email? I followed your other video (Gmail: How to Connect Domain Email to Gmail FREE (2021)) on linking my gmail account to my domain.

  • After the backup I have to receive a report by email. But i can't get it i think i did everything right what is the problem? can you help me?

  • As far as I know the whole part about using gmail smtp doesn't work anymore… Google changed its policy on may 20th something and you can't use it anymore…

  • P.S. What if we didn't want to use SMTP but instead use something like the SendGrid REST API? Is it possible to send emails like that through Proxmox with postfix?

  • Great video! Really appreciate it. I was wondering how I could set this up.

  • I swear this is the fourth video you post exactly after and before I’ve done something

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