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How to find your Microcontroller's IP address || NO SCREENS/EXTRA COMPONENTS NEEDED

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Want to know how to find your IP address on your Microcontroller like a Raspberry Pi Pico, ESP32, ESP8266 or other RP2040 board then look no further, this video will tell you.
We will introduce you to an amazing piece of code from our larger project, the MicroPython Webserver that you can use to reveal your IP address.

This code lets you discover your microcontroller’s IP address for devices like the RP2040, ESP32, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi Pico, and Arduino.

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✴️ Link to our article with more detailed instructions:
✴️ You can access the code on github here:

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#microcontroller #rp2040 #raspberrypipico


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

9 thoughts on “How to find your Microcontroller's IP address || NO SCREENS/EXTRA COMPONENTS NEEDED

  • I tried using the code but pico – w – go wont let me use any other modules than these: "import utime as time

    import uasyncio as asyncio

    from machine import Pin

    import ujson as json"

  • please make another episode of hacking your dads pc it was very entertaining and i think im gonna start a hacking carreer as well now please me you password.

  • I am new to micro controllers. Should I understand that one just adds power to the board via its micro USB access point and the IP address count-out commences? Please confirm. Please confirm. Thanks in advance.

  • Great idea, and adding the buzzer too is also clever. Nice editing and pacing in the video!

  • I bet it helped a lot of people. Great video as always! Keep at it!

  • Nice idea for a light weight way to communicate the IP address.

    I like using Multicast Domain Name Service (mdns) to use a custom domain name like, “project-name.local”. There is an implementation in CircuitPython and it looks like also in MicroPython. There may be limitations about where this can work and resource tradeoffs, but I’ve had good experiences using it.

    I’ve also used static IPs or reserved IPs (by MAC address) on the DHCP server to make finding my microcontrollers easier.

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