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how hackers hack any website in 9 minutes 6 seconds?!

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by Loi Liang Yang

linux smtp server

21 thoughts on “how hackers hack any website in 9 minutes 6 seconds?!

  • YouTube wont allow any real hacking, this guy might know how to hack but he can not share the real info, just basic ones and the theory

  • I have a very bad problem i hope to help me on this , I was a victim to scammer and he stole from me 11233 euro i need your help !

  • I was detected by cops and I tell Hacker Loi is the mastermind ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  • Please I need help, I am ashamed right now and really need help.. I am suicidal right now, this was my last chance and I fucked it up. Please how do I go about it,what do I do, please any help? I need to access my school portal to upgrade my grades.

  • Thanks Xbluc9tech you helped me a lot with that website hack thanks

  • Sir all I need is ur whatApp contact or email sir.. Coz I have alot to ask u.. I'm really happy for every single of tutorials u made for us.. Thnx u sir really appreciate that coz I learn alot from it more especially sqlmap attack manually and using Kali. It really work for me thnx.. But I have some little question from it more especially in how to inject any kind of website even if it has more security on it.. And how to find the php?id link of any specialize website, coz some are hide it, won't able to find it

  • Can't you help me to return my money back I'm being scam in online platform using telegram. I'm from philippines

  • Bad example because SLL is deactivated. If traffic is unencrypted of course its that easy

  • Bro I just want your help please reply to me๐Ÿฅบ

  • I have never tested his teaching step by step and it worked not even one day i even get difference what is happening on his screen is not successful in mine

  • i don't believe SQL injection is a thing anymore, it belongs somewhere in the 90's

  • I just keep getting Bash: request.txt: Permission denied…………..tried everything

  • I'm all for freedom of educational materials, but it was scary how easily this video is found with a quick hacking search. I remember when i was a stupid kid back then lmao. This is something I'd so do 7 years ago ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  • here to learn so that I will know how to secure my website ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • It would be cool if you teached us how to hack any website easily because i want to hack roblox's website

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