"Our Money Story: Restore" – Worship Service October 29, 2023
Northminster Presbyterian Church Worship Service for October 29, 2023
Scripture: John 21:1-19 and Gen 33:1-17
Sermon: Our Money Story: Restore
Bulletin: https://mcusercontent.com/dd2a2917b47a422acf5e70581/files/6e89b359-77f4-41d8-2db6-3bdd5a8e851d/2023_10_29_Northminster_Bulletin.pdf
Our Money Story Discussion Questions for this Sunday:
1. Describe your version of a Utopia.
2. Based on your version of Utopia, what aspects seem beyond the current horizon?
What seems attainable?
3. What part of your Utopia are you most willing to work for?
What would you do to make that dream a reality?
4. What is your vision for Northminster in the year 2050?
What do we need to do now to make that a reality?
Pastor: Rev. Chris Hallam
Music Director: Dr. Brandon Ulrich
Offerings gratefully accepted at https://troynorthminster.weebly.com/o…
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