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How to transfer a file from Windows to Linux | File Transfer using SFTP in FileZilla

Copying files between Windows and Linux can sometimes be difficult because the two operating systems don’t talk the same language. In this Linux how to video you will learn how to transfer files from a computer running Microsoft Windows over to a computer running Linux. The demonstration makes use of FileZilla to transfer files using SFTP.

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#WindowstoLinuxFileTransfer #CopyFilesWindowstoLinux #LinuxFileZilla


by ITProTV

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20 thoughts on “How to transfer a file from Windows to Linux | File Transfer using SFTP in FileZilla

  • thank you for making this video. it was a huge help and you did a great job explaining everything. Raven

  • Why its preventing me to type the password

  • why sudo not a command in pclinuxos in virtual box terminal?

  • Clear and concise. What's more it works! Thank you so much; I was in trepidation wondering if I would find a process to do this but I fear no longer. 🙂 Files transferring to my Linux laptop as I type.

  • Thank you sir…. So grateful to you really this file transferring protocol is amazing and time efficient… Once again a big Thanks to u❤

  • after dozens of other videos, this has got to be the easiest to follow along with and understand for trying to move files from linux to windows

  • Just wanted to thank you for this amazing tutorial. You saved my day, thank you very much!

  • ip add of my linux does not working when i put , do you have any options ?

  • Thank you sir!! It's working.

  • Thanks! I'm new to Linux, this was very helpful and it worked great!

  • great video , i am diving into the world of linux and this helped me out a lot. i learned no matter how much you know about a windows machine linux is a different animal lol.

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