Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

10 thoughts on “How to Block Websites Like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc on Windows Server 2008

  • If you want to allow internet access and just deny some websites, I advise modifying the Windows hosts file and pushing it through a GPO. Works on WS2012 and higher.

  • The best setup is use a squid proxy server in ubuntu instead.

  • it's good. but it's not possible to remember all the sites to block.
    can plz tell me how to block websites depend upon category/content in server.

  • it's good. but it's not possible to remember all the sites to block.
    can plz tell me how to block websites depend upon category/content in server.

  • it's good. but it's not possible to remember all the sites to block.
    can plz tell me how to block websites depend upon category/content in server.

  • it's good. but it's not possible to remember all the sites to block.
    can plz tell me how to block websites depend upon category/content in server.

  • This Method you can Block Only users of Internet explorer, if someone use googlechrome or Firefox , if You have solution please help me thx

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