dhcp server liuxLinux serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONS

How To Setup DHCP Server For Automatic IP Assigning in Mikrotik Router

Mikrotik Router Full Course – Setup DHCP Server (MTCNA)
In this video tutorial, I will be showing how to set up a DHCP server in the Mikrotik router and configure your Mikrotik router DHCP server pool to automatically assign IP addresses to your devices for internet connectivity. Today you will see creating a DHCP server with the IP pool of your Mikrotik router and use the internet on your computer/mobile phone and other devices without manually assigning IP addresses to those devices. After watching this video you can easily able to create or set up a DHCP serve in your Mikrotik router to assign IP address automatically for your LAN connected devices. #mikrotik #DHCPserver #sstectutorials

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by SSTec Tutorials

linux dhcp server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.