Mail Server SMTPS 465 Port with SASL and TLS
In this video i have described how to configure mail server smtps port 465 with sasl and tls. for outgoing email we used to configure email clients with 25 port, but most of the isp blocks outgoing 25 port from the client network for spam protection, because spam bots targets mail servers 25 port from the trusted network. so we need to configure mail clients with smtps 465 or smtp 587 port, so that clients can send mail securely, smtp 465 port ties with SASL authentication and TLS encryption for authentication and encryption from the clients network. I have installed SASL and TLS with Postfix and configure Outlook with 465 port and tested the scenario successfully, after watching the video, you will be able to configure the Postfix SMTPS Port 465 and with SASL Authentication and TLS encryption.
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by mailserverguru
linux smtp server
Hi, i am facing an issue, i have setup postfix server and mailutils, my postfix is at, lsof -i:443 returns something while lsof -i:25 returns nothing, which means the postfix is running on port 465 and not on 25, but when i use mailutils to send the mail, it is still using port 25 to send emails, which is blocked. So i cannot send any email, please help with this.
Ur videos are not clear and u don't give manual blog to read through what u did and c ur command code
When MUA to MTA connection/Interaction then submission/ssl connection types stuff is happened but how can I configure my MTA to another MTA connection's configuration means will it be 25 port or TLS (587) or SSL (465) port.. Can I block that no other email server can send me email to my email server using 25 port, it has to be 587 or 465 port..
When I am trying to send email from my email server to gmail (Google) using telnet on 25 port for smtp transaction purpose it is saying to do STARTTLS (530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. a27sm3128210pgn.62 – gsmtp
) after mail from: command…. I think MTA to MTA does not require TLS .. Am I right ?