SNMP Protocol – Networks

SNMP manager in PHP, send requests to an SNMP agent (PC) and display the SNMP responses. Y
– It Displays the content of the Name of the Device, Description, Time Since It was turned On, and OID.
– The Location and Contact is Changeable.
– It Displays the content of the ipAddrTable (Ip Address Table) and the ipNetToMediaTable (ARP Table) in the IP Group.
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– It Displays the content of the udpTable and The Number of the UDpInDatagrams in the UDP Group.
Note: Make sure you see the 161 port in your udpTable when you try it,
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– It Displays only the following Fields of each entry in the ifTable in the Interface Group:
Description, MTU, and ifPhysicalAddress.

src code:


by Norman

simple network management protocol

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