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Learn about the NIHR Doctoral Fellowship

The NIHR Doctoral Fellowship (DF) is a three year full-time award that is designed to support health and social care professionals from all backgrounds to undertake a PhD in applied health or social care research.

The one-hour webinar is hosted by Elizabeth Taylor, Senior Programme Manager at NIHR Academy. She is joined by Professor Judith Rankin, Chair of the Doctoral Fellowship Funding Committee.

Professor Rankin outlines what the Selection Committee looks for during the application and interview process, as well as offering hints and tips for putting together a strong application.

You will also hear from Dr Michael Fadel and Miss Amelia Pearson, two successful NIHR Doctoral Fellowship recipients. They talk about their recent experience of applying to the scheme, and the impact the DF has had so far on their career trajectory.

Watch the webinar to:

• learn about the scope of the scheme, the application process and details of the next round launching in October 2023
• understand the benefits from award holders, and what can be achieved undertaking the award
• receive useful hints and tips from the Funding Committee Chair about what makes a competitive application and interview.

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