Linux for Hackers Python pip, Git, Apt NEW Tools Install with OTW! (Episode 4)
You need to learn Linux. I’ve said this for a very long time. Occupy The Web says the same thing – if you want to learn hacking, you need to lean Linux. This is a fundamental skill.
This is episode 4 of the series.
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
// Occupy The Web Books //
Linux Basics for Hackers:
Getting Started Becoming a Master Hacker:
Network Basics for hackers:
Top Hacking Books you need to read:
// OTW Discount //
Use the code BOMBAL to get a 20% discount off anything from OTW’s website:
Direct links to courses:
Pro Subscriber:
3 year deal:
// Occupy The Web SOCIAL //
// Mr Robot Playlist //
// David’s SOCIAL //
// MY STUFF //
Interested in sponsoring my videos? Reach out to my team here:
// MENU //
00:00 – Coming up
00:19 – Intro
02:03 – Chapter 4 Adding and removing software
02:56 – Package Manager
03:33 – Red hat
04:35 – Downloading repository
05:48 – Installing snort
06:43 – Adding other repositories
08:29 – What happens when adding repositories
09:32 – Risk of putting any repositories
10:37 – Installing bluez
11:43 – Removing software
12:11 – Removing all traces of software
12:30 – How to update your packages
14:00 – VM WARE is little better than Virtual box
14:50 – A Gui based package to download new software
15:27 – Synaptic package manager
17:39 – Learning CLI
19:14 – Other ways to get software
20:54 – A python package manager
22:31 – Shodan searches
24:43 – Other tools not installed by default
25:55 – More tutorials in future
26:23 – Where to reach out to learn more
27:26 – Outro
// Detailed outline of topics //
00:00:00: Introduction to Cybersecurity and Hacking
00:00:04: Discussing New Tools and Repositories
00:00:31: Overview of Linux Basics for Hackers Book
00:00:39: Adding and Removing Software
00:02:50: Introduction to Package Managers in Linux
00:03:27: Understanding Debian, Ubuntu, and Kali Package Managers
00:04:29: Exploring Software Packages and Installation with apt
00:05:47: Installing and Managing Software like Snort
00:06:38: Adding Repositories and Managing Dependencies
00:07:05: Using Kali Repositories for Specific Tools
00:07:13: Accessing Administration Tools in Different Repositories
00:07:24: Editing Repository Configuration Files
00:07:55: Adding Debian, Kali, and Parrot Repositories
00:08:20: Repository Priority and Search Order
00:10:33: Installing and Managing Bluetooth Management Software (BlueEZ)
00:11:47: Removing and Purging Software Packages
00:12:32: Updating Package Lists with apt
00:13:43: Upgrading Packages and Managing System Space
00:13:56: Comparison Between VMware and VirtualBox
00:14:48: Introduction to GUI-Based Package Management (Synaptic)
00:15:01: Installing Synaptic for GUI-Based Software Installation
00:15:27: Demonstrating Synaptic Package Manager
00:15:45: Using Synaptic to Search and Install Bluetooth Packages
00:15:58: Exploring MySQL Packages in Synaptic
00:16:14: Discussion on MySQL and MariaDB
00:16:54: Using Synaptic for Selecting and Installing Software
00:17:49: Everyone starts from zero in Cybersecurity
00:19:28: Downloading Software from GitHub with Git Clone
00:19:53: Using GitHub to Access Bluetooth Hacking Tools
00:20:42: Explaining the Use of Perl Scripts in Bluetooth Hacking
00:20:55: Introducing PIP, the Python Package Manager
00:21:31: Installing Python 3 Package Manager with PIP 3
00:21:57: Using PIP 3 to Install Shodan for Command Line Operations
00:22:34: Demonstrating Shodan Command Line Interface
00:24:18: Exploring Shodan Search Commands for Specific Countries
00:24:51: Introduction to Ruby’s Package Manager, Gem
00:25:13: Installing Tools with Gem
00:25:39: Overview of Different Software Installation Methods in Kali
00:25:59: Encouraging New Learners in Cybersecurity
kali linux
parrot os
occupy the web
internet of things
Please note that links listed may be affiliate links and provide me with a small percentage/kickback should you use them to purchase any of the items listed or recommended. Thank you for supporting me and this channel!
Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only.
#linux #kalilinux #ubuntu
by David Bombal
linux foundation
You need to learn Linux. I've said this for a very long time. Occupy The Web says the same thing – if you want to learn hacking, you need to lean Linux. This is a fundamental skill.
This is episode 4 of the series.
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
// Occupy The Web Books //
Linux Basics for Hackers:
Getting Started Becoming a Master Hacker:
Network Basics for hackers:
Top Hacking Books you need to read:
// OTW Discount //
Use the code BOMBAL to get a 20% discount off anything from OTW's website:
Direct links to courses:
Pro Subscriber:
3 year deal:
// Occupy The Web SOCIAL //
// Mr Robot Playlist //
// David's SOCIAL //
// MY STUFF //
Interested in sponsoring my videos? Reach out to my team here:
// MENU //
00:00 – Coming up
00:19 – Intro
02:03 – Chapter 4 Adding and removing software
02:56 – Package Manager
03:33 – Red hat
04:35 – Downloading repository
05:48 – Installing snort
06:43 – Adding other repositories
08:29 – What happens when adding repositories
09:32 – Risk of putting any repositories
10:37 – Installing bluez
11:43 – Removing software
12:11 – Removing all traces of software
12:30 – How to update your packages
14:00 – VM WARE is little better than Virtual box
14:50 – A Gui based package to download new software
15:27 – Synaptic package manager
17:39 – Learning CLI
19:14 – Other ways to get software
20:54 – A python package manager
22:31 – Shodan searches
24:43 – Other tools not installed by default
25:55 – More tutorials in future
26:23 – Where to reach out to learn more
27:26 – Outro
// Detailed outline of topics //
00:00:00: Introduction to Cybersecurity and Hacking
00:00:04: Discussing New Tools and Repositories
00:00:31: Overview of Linux Basics for Hackers Book
00:00:39: Adding and Removing Software
00:02:50: Introduction to Package Managers in Linux
00:03:27: Understanding Debian, Ubuntu, and Kali Package Managers
00:04:29: Exploring Software Packages and Installation with apt
00:05:47: Installing and Managing Software like Snort
00:06:38: Adding Repositories and Managing Dependencies
00:07:05: Using Kali Repositories for Specific Tools
00:07:13: Accessing Administration Tools in Different Repositories
00:07:24: Editing Repository Configuration Files
00:07:55: Adding Debian, Kali, and Parrot Repositories
00:08:20: Repository Priority and Search Order
00:10:33: Installing and Managing Bluetooth Management Software (BlueEZ)
00:11:47: Removing and Purging Software Packages
00:12:32: Updating Package Lists with apt
00:13:43: Upgrading Packages and Managing System Space
00:13:56: Comparison Between VMware and VirtualBox
00:14:48: Introduction to GUI-Based Package Management (Synaptic)
00:15:01: Installing Synaptic for GUI-Based Software Installation
00:15:27: Demonstrating Synaptic Package Manager
00:15:45: Using Synaptic to Search and Install Bluetooth Packages
00:15:58: Exploring MySQL Packages in Synaptic
00:16:14: Discussion on MySQL and MariaDB
00:16:54: Using Synaptic for Selecting and Installing Software
00:17:49: Everyone starts from zero in Cybersecurity
00:19:28: Downloading Software from GitHub with Git Clone
00:19:53: Using GitHub to Access Bluetooth Hacking Tools
00:20:42: Explaining the Use of Perl Scripts in Bluetooth Hacking
00:20:55: Introducing PIP, the Python Package Manager
00:21:31: Installing Python 3 Package Manager with PIP 3
00:21:57: Using PIP 3 to Install Shodan for Command Line Operations
00:22:34: Demonstrating Shodan Command Line Interface
00:24:18: Exploring Shodan Search Commands for Specific Countries
00:24:51: Introduction to Ruby's Package Manager, Gem
00:25:13: Installing Tools with Gem
00:25:39: Overview of Different Software Installation Methods in Kali
00:25:59: Encouraging New Learners in Cybersecurity
kali linux
parrot os
occupy the web
internet of things
Please note that links listed may be affiliate links and provide me with a small percentage/kickback should you use them to purchase any of the items listed or recommended. Thank you for supporting me and this channel!
Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only.
Athena OS is better than kali.
this is going to sound really fuckt up….but im really in love with your voiceś…..they are so calm and alpha like……i know im fucking wired wrong 😀 but seriously. love listining to you bouth talk. its so calming. and the topic is golden 😉
Thanks for making this video
It really help me..
hello this is rihan from afghanistan i see most of your video (plz send me a free link of your udemy course plz i don't have mony but i
really love to be a hacker . mony do n't let to reach to my dreams (if you can help plz help me ) thanks david and otw ❤❤❤
Hello brothers,
Torrent file size is 2.9gb is there any way to reduce the size and download Linux Kali Linux
love this stuff i just did a video on apt on my new Linux Everything channel where i be trying to help views learn about linux as i do
Thx please do a video on how to setup an attack vm and a defense vm on a single laptop so we can have a test environment. The setup is difficult cuz we need to traverse the vm to the physical. What is the base platform on the laptop ? windows with vmware ? Also vmware vs virtualbox…
bogus b.s. if you recommend buying VMware over installing KVM/Qemu instead. Both are free and part of Linux. This is more like Hacking for Beginners.
Tks David & OTW
Very true. I recently had this conversation with a colleague at the Pentagon!
The gui is the best part of Manjaro. It’s made it so easy to learn the command line, while still being able to do things without it. It all just works so beautifully, right out of the box.
Love OTW. I have Linux basics for hackers and getting started becoming a master hacker. Looking forward to collecting more books as well.
I watch this even though I know most of this because I know there's might be something that I didn't know about. BTW, love the show Mr. Robot, I started watching it thanks to OTW!!
I honestly don’t like Kali. The BlackArch software suite on Manjaro is the best thing out there for a beginner like me. The only thing I liked more on Kali, was the cool background that had the monkey and the gun and stuff on it. 😂 I’ve absolutely LOVED Manjaro; absolutely fu**ing love it!
I'm just so overwhelmed. I got thrown into learning linux because I couldn't get rid of these scammers that tricked me. And couldn't afford the pros. So now I'm stuck trying to learn linux. Not to mention I accidently ran the linux shell script on a windows. So… there's that 🙈
Thanks bombal
Make video about evilginx 2 and how to configure it
OTW & David Bombal – two grandmasters in the world of IT, Linux & Ethical Hacking. I'm learning so much about Linux & EH from both of you gentlemen.
oh my lord i love this ep