NETWORKSTelecom Networks

4G LTE only mode on huawei phone using setting database editor

– download setting dtabase in playstore
– open the app, open system, find hw_networkmode_prefference..original Code 9,3,2,1…change to 9,3,2,1,11..
– save changes, & restart phone..


4g lte

42 thoughts on “4G LTE only mode on huawei phone using setting database editor

  • I've delete all the entry and enter 11.
    After restarting 'LTE' (not LTE Only) mode is visible in mobile network. But after selecting it I'm unable to call anyone. Call is disconnecting automatically.
    My phone is HUAWAI Y9 2019 Prime

  • Bro how to delete these app and remeove 4g option

  • Why can't I receive incoming calls? Pls fix

  • Bro this is only working Huawei not work realme mobiles plz give one video plzz bro help

  • Can i force my second sim into GSM only mode using this app? , if yes, can anyone guide me?

  • Vi. Always-on display করা যাবে

  • Sir sorry to ask. did you found how to lock certain band on 4g for huawei phone. i keep searching but until now not found for huawei. Kindly please help

  • I have huawei y9 , but i cant get 4g , I did all , plz i need your help , I usimg simple mobil

  • Bang……
    Kok di hp honor 7s gak ada tulisan
    Hw_network preference nya ya…
    Mohon bantunya…

  • Not working after pie update plz do something

  • Sya tda bisa bang. Hpku huawei gr 3. Solusix dong

  • hi sir how to force selected band LTE using this app

  • Salam…sy cuba cari di honor note 10 china rom ngak bisa setting dlm database ngak ada prefere netwok mcm tu…

  • It is not work with Android 9

  • its working but when i use only LTE mode i face call problem…

  • thanks a lot. its work prefect.
    if have 3g and 4g both,, that's will more amazing. because i using my sim for calls also

  • Honor play working!!! Damn u save my life. And this setting work on other android phone also. Thank you so much

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