Blocking Ads With a 15 Year Old Computer

I setup an old mac mini to run Pi-hole, blocking ads on my network and serving as a local DNS.
#pihole #homeserver #homelab

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Music (in order):
“Hardware Haven Theme” -Me (https://youtu.be/FwD2mOYDPNA)
“CRENSHAW VIBES” – GARRISON (https://soundcloud.com/garrison-brown)
“Sunshower” – LATASHÁ(https://soundcloud.com/best-music-pro…)
0:00 Intro
0:35 What Is Pi-hole
1:18 What We’re Doing
2:36 Importance of Internet Privacy
3:25 The System
4:20 Installing Debian Linux
5:32 Installing Pi-hole
6:54 Setting Up Pi-hole
8:20 Local DNS
8:40 “Just Use a Raspberry Pi”
11:32 Closing Thoughts


by Hardware Haven

linux dns server

50 thoughts on “Blocking Ads With a 15 Year Old Computer

  • I refurbish and recycle old laptops all day, every day. I get plenty of machines in which aren't worth fixing. Maybe they have a faulty keyboard and cosmetic damage, maybe they have a broken screen, maybe they have a broken USB port, etc. I could easily use laptops like that to run a server. I had no idea how easy one is to set up! I will have to find the time to create a pi-hole server soon. Thank you for making this video!

  • YouTube and facebook ads will also be blocked by it?

  • Came here to find out if my 2010 mac mini will be capable of this. Perfect!

  • Dude straight up plugged an ad on a ad blocking video. Im impressed.

  • Pi hole and OMV5 are why I got into raspberry pi’s. Now I have 8 pi’s. One runs Pihole on a pi zero w. Five are cameras running motioneyeos on pi zeros, 1 runs OMV6 and the last pi 4 is my eyeos camera server.

  • I bought a used lenovo thinkcentre m92p tiny and that consumes 13w on idle which is nice. I need to use another outlet voltage tester, I just used a tp-link kasa smart plug with energy monitoring.

  • I have a bunch of 15 year old computers….

  • Mac Minis are cool, versatile little things! I just set a 2006 model up as a dedicated, headless MIDI synth emulator. I run commands from my retro DOS gaming rig to switch between Roland MT-32 and SC-55 emulation, etc., and use the Apple Remote to adjust its volume. It's not networked in any way, either, so it's essentially an appliance device now, like a Roku or a router running Linux under the hood.

  • I'm curious what the install process would be for installing pihole on an old android or tablet – they run Linux already right?

    Power efficiency plus having a built in screen would probably be super nice too. I can imagine a single USB micro/C port wouldn't exactly be ideal for expandablility and there'd be the Ethernet port to consider, but hey that might be a cool project!

  • I got “Su Authentication Failure” when trying to get root credentials. For anyone having the same problem, debian by default has the root account disabled, so to enable it you need to run the "sudo passwd root" command and then insert the desirable password. After that you should be able to use "su -" insert your pass and then run the other commands from the video just regularly.

  • An old laptop or windows tablet, or even a small desktop might be suitable.

  • Got a link for the energy calculator?

  • If you are planning cashing server with RBpie it'll be slow AF. Even Core 2 duo 3.19GHz can't hold up to it. When you have a lots of people in your house and they just start using internet with CS enabled, your SSD will be limited by a CPU power. I once tryed it with Core 2 Quad Q9550 with 4.2GHz overclock and it was going 100% all the time, 5 people in the house, PCIe extension card for NVme 512GB drive 8GB of RAM and 250GB sys drive. Then i switched to i7 2600K with 4.9GHz overclock and succeed. In just few hours the NVMe drive was half way full. Then i switched from NVMe to an old HDD technology with 4 10TB drives in Raid 0, hired my IT tech friend to modify a software that allows you to combine multiple small files in to the large one so whenever the device asks for the file, it unpacks itself and than pack back. Yes, you maight think this methode is slow but it is not when you set how large the packed file should be, for the Raid 0 HDD my friend set the ammount of 32MB so when this 32MB is overfilled, the software will create a new file sorted by ip adresses and domain names so the software does not need to unpack everything from the HDDs but just a right one file needed. Every page every site has its own files. The waiting time for the HDD request file is almost 100ms so it is crazy fast. Pages are loading extremely fast, without ads thanks to the piHole. The reason why i'm using the old 2600K is that i dont need to buy a new pc, even with 6 or 7 people in the house the CPU not exceeding 60-70% of load. With SSDs in RAID 0 it will be much much faster but it could be also CPU limited sometimes.

  • Yeah the "Take a raspberry pi" comes obviously from people, that currently don't even try to get a new rapi 😀 at least not for the recommended prices, whoever buys them for the scam prices that go around rn is a different kind of lost.

    Your video provides a good example that you don't need a rapi to run it :3 i'm also currently searching for a good pi replacement, but i'm not willing to spend more than 100 bucks on it

  • I was today years old when I found out that PowerShell has SSH functionality.

  • Old mac mini’s are great!! Cheap and small. Install Linux and they make great servers

  • loved the idea, but I have one question, can I have a base linux distro on the mac mini and have pihole running in a vm? maybe a couple of vms, one for pihole and the other for something else?

  • i dont have "packs" folder at the right side x) help

  • I have pihole running in a docker container on a windows computer that doubles as a computer I use the browse the internet while sitting in my recliner.

  • I use a pi zero w. I bought a ethernet hat for it rather than use the wifi for my pihole. Works great. Using pihole for DHCP instead of the router gives you better logging of what device is doing what, rather than only seeing the gateway in the log. I have a chatty client (I still havent found it yet lol) that sometimes randomly goes over the 60 second query limit and kills the whole internet connection if I leave DHCP in the router on instead of using the pihole. I also recommend if using a raspberry pi, use dietpi. Works better than raspberry pi OS. Ive tested them all and its the best IMHO

  • Tried using a pi-hole on my network, but it didn't do anything better than adblock plus and did a lot of stuff worse

  • glad I found your channel today! been watching all your videos for the past two hours!

  • Well you can block ads, but you can't block tplink sending your traffic to other services for "anti-malware" inspection 🥹

  • curious project. could the pihole get installed on a vm and traffic routed to it through there?

  • there is a guy claiming to be u telling ppl they won computers

  • Hello may I ask why are still most of the users using "ifconfig" from net-tools ? It is deprecated for long years and it is not recommended. There is "iproute2" Thats why ifconfig missing in Debian installation there is the "iproute2" please stop making howto with net-tools in 2022.

  • Done this with a small USFF Dell WYSE I got for £19 off Ebay, it works perfectly and works for my needs

  • Why not just add ip of dns in router or local area network ?

  • 7:50 No, it is not smart! Secondary DNS is NOT a backup DNS, it is a 2nd DNS — when your device makes a DNS query, it will just pick one of the two randomly. Unless you have two Pi-holes, it's better to just have no Secondary DNS (because if you do, some ads will get through)

    edit: Also, DON'T use one one one one as your upstream DNS! It does wacky stuff and in some cases doesn't give you the correct response/IP

  • Nice video. You could also show in a video a setup with a cheap old server running docker with pihole, Unbound and watchtower in containers, that would be awesome

  • ty sir, subs 😁😁😁😄

  • I wonder if I can use my rg351m for this

  • your electricity calculation is not accurate (not the actual cost of electricity) as you added an SSD to the old fruit device. so the initial cost for that fruit device is already higher than a Pi 3b

    but other than that informativ

  • Hi, is there a document file, that I can use to calculate the cost myself?

  • For emulating on the stock macOS, try using an old version of open emu

  • Can you “under clock” a PC to make it run cheaper? Or maybe disable unused ports/hardware? Thank

  • ag no fuk that to much hassle. just use ad block extension.

  • Does this also block adds on Twitch?

  • I have a few older pc's but I also have a rpi 3 and 4 so I guess I will use my rpi 3 so I can continue to tinker with my rpi 4.

  • Tried pihole and hated it. Rather just use origin AdBlock.

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